Me and my Friends

You are visitor  since March 14th, 1998.

Friends from Kitimat

These are my friends that at one time lived in Kitimat, or still do but are away at school (some of the poor saps haven't even left.)
  • Katherine Beames' Wed Page
  • Nightlily's Web Page
  • Owen's Airplane Page

  • Friends from Other Places

    These are my friends that have never lived in Kitimat. Some of them I have never even met in person because I know them from the computer or traditional writing.
  • JP's Web Page

  • If anyone else has a web page that I don't know about and wants included (I do have standards :) ) please let me know. For those that don't know, though if you're my friend you should, you can e-mail me here: Rightmind

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