Rightmind Web Page
Want to find out more about me and my friends, pop by here to find info about me and links to some of my friends pages. If you're a friend, and your page isn't here, give me a shout.
Visit my Girl Guides/Scouts page. It has a list of all member countries (at least those I know of) as well as history of world Guiding, and that of individual countries and the flag of the country. The page is always being updated, though sometimes more often then others. I started the page for my Commonwealth Award which is the highest award a youth can earn in the Girl Guides of Canada/Guides du Canada. I've received the award but am keeping the page because I haven't found another out there like it yet.
Come and see what I've got so far. If you know of anything you think should be added, let me know.
I am a left-hander and have spent a lot of time reading up on the topic, as well as searching the Web for related topics. There are links that have interesting information about left-handers in the home, work, and school. I hope to soon have a selection of links to places where you can buy those items that no left-hander should do without.
I'm working on the Davidson, Beadnell, and Smith family trees. Someone in my family is already doing the rest, Agnus, Parley and Marshall. I'll have more information here when I get more time to work on it. Until then, if you have any information on Davidson in Scotland, or Saskatchewan, Beadnells anywhere, or Smiths in Derbyshire, Ashbourne particularly, I'd love to know about it. As I said, more info to come.
I love the radio. I compleated a diploma programme at Algonquin
College in Nepean (a suburb of Ottawa), Ontario, Canada in Radio Broadcasting. Again, when I get more time I'll put more stuff here. Until then here's the link to the College station CKDJ that I worked at during college.
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since December
5th, 1997
I'd be happy to have you're input on my page, and any corrections, such as spelling because I know I'm really bad at it. Mail me at: Rightmind