Some Documents of Genealogical or Historical Interest
Concerning Early Virginia
Some Lists of Inhabitants of Early Virginia
Combined List of Original Planters (1607-1608)
Muster of the Inhabitants of Peirsey's Hundred Taken the 20th of January 1624
Names from Lunenburg Co. Tithe List taken by Cornelius Cargill (1749)
Some Members of the Virginia House of Burgesses (1619-1776)
Selected Counties (1619-1776)
Brunswick County (1736-1748)
James City County and James City (1619-1776)
Lunenburg County (1748-1775)
Southampton County (1753-1776)
Surry County (1619-1773)
Sussex County (1754-1776)
All Counties (selected sessions)
5 May 1705
The Virginia Conventions:
The Convention of 1774
The Second Virginia Convention - Second Day
Miscellaneous Documents
Patent of Flowerdew Hundred to Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens (1636)
Nathaniel Bacon's Declaration of the People (1676)
Power of Attorney of Sarah Drummond (1679)
Marriage Bond drafted by Thomas Jefferson (1771)
The Curious Advertisement of Matthew Marable (1773)