This Webpage contains the Cutest Little Boy in the World!

Hello, Please meet my very handsome & brilliant
son Chase William.
At birth Chase weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. & was 20 inches long.
He was born on
November 3rd, 1996 at 10:09 p.m.

I am Chase's Mommy & I wanted to make this webpage all about Chase....just because he is the cutest, sweetest, smartest little boy I have ever seen. I hope you enjoy looking through his pages, as much as I did making them. Check back often as this site will be updated regularly!

See pictures of Chase from Birth until now. 10+ albums & still growing. May take awhile to load. Watch Chase grow into a big litle man. Check out Chase's progress when Mom gets a chance to actually write in it! Come see all Chase's special milestones & acheivements he has accomplished. Don't you love the way toddlers sound when they talk? Wanna hear Chase's sweet little voice? Got plenty of different sound wavs of him saying a bunch of things. Poetry about children for anyone. Some are tear-jerkers for the soft hearted. =0) Like viewing awards people have recieved, asked for, or begged for? Well come on in! Here is my talented little man's artwork he has drawn or colored. If your done viewing every single page of Chase's then take a stroll through our links page. We have a ton of friends who's pages are absolutly fabulous not to mention the cute kids! Take a look at our webrings we belong to!

Be a nice person and sign our guestbook. LOL! We will visit your page and sign yours also! View our guestbook and see all the nice people who have stopped by!

Send us some email if you would like. =0)

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All Music by

He has some awesome music!! Got check out his very lovely site!

ALL Graphics & backgrounds were made by me...Stephanie. If you like what you see...please visit my Graphics Page...