Going home with a preemie baby after weeks or months under the ever watchful eye of the NICU feels a bit like stealing away with a prized posession. |
We couldn't wait to get through those doors to the outside world! It was indeed a very long walk, and everyone we passed seemed to want to peer down at our little darling! It seemed as if we had accomplished a great feat getting her out to the van. Then I was afraid to drive her home! At least in the NICU she was safe and protected; out here, she could have an accident or, without any monitors, stop breathing and I'd never know! (Never mind that she hadn't had any A's or B's for weeks!) |
We suddenly have become handwashing freaks as well. Dare anyone come near our precious little one with finger extended! We don't know where your hands have been! Our solution to this is to always have my husband hold Sarah when we're out. At 6'9", a person would have to try really hard to sneak a poke at her. |
Although we've been home with her for 4 weeks now, I've yet to sleep well, always seeming to have one eye open to watch her color or listen for her breaths. I don't think I will be getting much rest for a long time to come! |
It's good to have everyone under one roof again! |
Thank our lucky stars! |