Everything 80's
Click on one of these categories to find out what was popular back in 1988.

The following is a few sites that I've found that pertain to the 80's.
- In the 80's
- The 80's Server
September 30, 1998
The Top 12 Signs Your Roommate is Stuck in the 80s
12. She's still dressing up like Cyndi Lauper, only now people
think she's Mimi from the Drew Carey show.
11. He's more self-absorbed than the entire cast of Seinfeld.
10. Every time they borrow a sweatshirt from your closet, they
return it with the neckline all ripped out.
9. His part-time job? Teaching the "Uptown Girl" dance class
at Arthur Murray.
8. Every ten minutes it's the same damn question - "Nancy...
am I still the President?"
7. *Still* spends Friday nights dialing 867-5309 and asking
for Jenny.
6. Your explanation to the police: After 1000 times, "Gag me
with a spoon" sounded like a request.
5. He's wondering why there's no Apple IIe version of Microsoft
4. Defensively says "They're not oldies; it's called classic
3. Can't understand why Blondie wasn't at Lilith Fair.
2. Your name happens to be "Mickey," and HE WON'T QUIT SINGING
and Top5's Number 1 Sign Your Roommate is Stuck in the 80s...
1. Upon hearing the name "Lewinsky," declares, "I don't care
what those damn reporters say, Huey Lewinsky and the News
do *not blow!"
[ This list copyright 1998 by Chris White ]
[ The Top 5 List top5@gmbweb.com] [To forward or repost, please include this section.][You like to receive credit for your work, and so do we. ]