???? - September 7, 2003

"These tears are not praise enough.Weep, but not in anger. Weep in unending praise for a lovely spirit who taught you so much and loved you so well."

Once upon a time long ago goD put the most incredible soul into a boxer body. Where this soul was the the spring, summer and fall of his life we will never know. For the winter of his life this magnificient soul was given to me to tend.

Though Max was with us only 7 months (to the day) his being will remain with us forever and I know he will not be forgotten by the many people he met this past summer.

This morning his eyes told the story. He said it was time for him to go. He slipped away peacefully in my arms, his body whole once again. He is free to run like the wind.

I love you Max, I wish you could have stayed with us longer.

"It's been a wonderful journey. We were magic together, for we saw each other with ancient eyes. Now I'm free of my body but always with you in your heart. Use my love to care for yourself. You are in me and I am in you and we made it sweet fun for each other."



April 6, 2003

Funny how things work out.

Max left for his new home a week ago. I missed him terribly and was beating myself up about letting him go. I felt so so guilty putting him through another major change after all he had been through and overcome.

The goDs must have been smiling upon us for Max's new family found having a large boxer was not all they expected. As well, they could see Max was not as happy as he was when they met him at my house. A mutual decision was made that Max would be better off with us.

Max arrived back in our home on April 5. It was like he never left.

I never expected to be a four boxer family but things always work out the way they were meant to.

March 23, 2003

Max and Lobo engaging in some male bonding

Max is not fond of the flash on the camera

Would ya put that thing away already !

...in a post breakfast back scratch

As the time draws close for Max to go to his forever home I take time to reflect on the past several weeks...What an incredible journey we have had with Max. He is an exceptional boy with a huge heart. From the emaciated, weak shadow of a boxer, he has blossomed into the picture of health, both physically and mentally. When Max first arrived he only laid down in a crouch. He had no flesh on him made it uncomfortable even painful to lay on his side. As he was encouraged to sleep on the couch or bed and as he started putting on weight, he gradually started stretching out and laying on his side. It brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw him on the couch laying on his back in the typical boxer sprawl. And look at him now, rolling around on my very hard floor !!!

It is going to be hard to say good-bye to Max as he has touched us like no other...Then again, they all touch us like no other...We will let him go with love, knowing that he is ready to bring joy to his forever family.


March 1, 2003

Max is somewhat camera shy, it was tough to get any decent pictures. Hopefully you can see how much better he looks in 3 short weeks. Max still has a ways to go, he needs about 5-7 more lbs, and he needs to build some muscle. Max is learning what it is like to be a much loved and treasured family member. He has been introduced to the comforts of the couch and bed and the fun of playing with the other dogs.


Yes, count them - 4 boxers and 1 boxer mix

HELP !!!


I don't want my picture taken

What a beautiful face

Notice how much bigger Max is


These photo's were taken February 9, 2003

Max is getting several small meals a day consisting of a home cooked stew and kibble, along with a multi-vitamin, yogurt, digestive enzymes and olive oil. As he puts on weight his diet and supplements will be adjusted.