"These tears are not praise enough.Weep, but not in anger. Weep in
unending praise for a lovely spirit who taught you so much and loved you
so well."

Once upon a time long ago goD put the most incredible soul into a boxer
body. Where this soul was the the spring, summer and fall of his life we
will never know. For the winter of his life this magnificient soul was
given to me to tend.
Though Max was with us only 7 months (to the day) his being will remain
with us forever and I know he will not be forgotten by the many people he
met this past summer.
This morning his eyes told the story. He said it was time for him to
go. He slipped away peacefully in my arms, his body whole once again. He
is free to run like the wind.
I love you Max, I wish you could have stayed with us longer.

"It's been a wonderful journey. We were magic together, for we saw each
other with ancient eyes. Now I'm free of my body but always with you in
your heart. Use my love to care for yourself. You are in me and I am in
you and we made it sweet fun for each other." |