May 1999

Joker came to live with us in April of 1999. He came as a rescue, not meant to stay but you know how that often goes.

Joker has some interesting personality quirks and because of that I thought it would be better if he stayed with us, people who understood him and could work with him. As well, he filled an empty spot in our home and hearts as we were missing the company of a boxer boy.

Joker is a sensitive soul in tune with everyone he cares about. In moments of despair he is right by your side trying as hard as he can to make the tears go away. Perhaps Joker's most extraordinary abiltiy is his listening skills. We could all take lessons from him. You can talk to Joker for hours and he listens intently, never losing eye contact and occaisionally tilting his head when you say something really interesting. He seems to hang on every word that is spoken as if it is the most amazing statement ever made...

It has been so cold the past few days I've had to turn the furnace
on. There was the occasional rattle, then a bang when it fired up.

Me being me figured the furnace is just making old furnace noises.
Joker on the the hand is totally freaking out every time it happens.
He is afraid of loud noises, fireworks, thunderstorms etc, but I have
never seen him react like this.

Tonight when the furnace kicked in Joker was laying next to me on the
couch. "Bang" goes the furnace and he started shaking so badly I was
worried about him. Something is Joker's eyes made me call the gas company .

The girl who took my call told me to immediately go and turn the
thermostat down as low as it could go and she would page a technician (it was 8:00pm).

The gas man was here within 45 minutes...

It turns out one of the burners was not igniting when the pilot light
came on allowing the gas to build up. Those "bangs" as I called them
were actually small explosions...YIKES...We could have been in real trouble.

Thank you Joker...


Christmas 2002

Fall 2003

Fall 2003

Winter 2001

Joker with his friends Dianne and John - October 11, 2004. Be prepared if you ever come for dinner at our house.

On the hunt - September 2000


Lucky | Janet's Hero | Slugger | Sassy | Ebony