Welcome! Thanks for signing Linda's Guestbook! Comeback Soon!

Greg Lejeune - 11/22/99 00:05:27
My URL:http://www.excelir.com/shopxl
My Email:rgl@excelonline.com
Homepage: Excel Communications
Where are you from?: Houston, Tx

Enjoyed my visit. Feel free to visit my website as often as you like. Thanks

Kim Palmer - 08/06/99 03:40:18
My Email:palmer@icansurf.com
Where are you from?: New Caney, Tx.

Tracing roots. Realize I'm in right place at the wrong time for the Browns in my tree.

John Settles - 07/07/99 02:14:15
My URL:http://earth.vol.com/~jsettles
My Email:jsettles@voy.net
Homepage: John's Genealogy links!
Where are you from?: Trenton, GA

Nice page you have! Do drop by my page an don't forget to sign my guestbook!

Joann Pitts Smith - 06/09/99 22:26:00
My Email:CHJASMITH1@prodigy.net
Where are you from?: Pascagoula MS

Linda I enjoyed My visit with you and your family. Thanks for the coffee,I needed it. Joann

A. McCloe - 04/11/99 01:05:09
My Email:ATm418@aol.com
Where are you from?: OHIO

your mason family history is very instersting. your family has several of the same names that my family has. I have a William Graves, Leatha Graves, and Alfred Graves in my family. My Alfred G. Graves married an Evelyn (?) Graves and had 13 children of whom i only have 9 names. William P., James, Robert, Elizabeth, Carrie, Rachel, Ella, Mattie and Leatha. The name Leatha is very unusual and you have a Leatha in your family too. D you know who Andrew Thomas Graves parents were? We are having a Graves Family reunion in Ohio August 13,14,15, 1999 and we are trying to find as many of our relatives as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Craig A. Davis - 04/08/99 06:16:56
My Email:CDavis9461@aol.com
Where are you from?: Missouri

Great to find a cuz with a fantastic homepage! And that music! One of the greatest songs of all time; at least, yer Ozarks Cuz thinks so! Fabulous job! Maybe I should do one of these. Craig

Mary and Lefay Keene - 03/22/99 10:39:05
My Email:mandl@airmail.net
Where are you from?: Corsicana,Texas

You have a very good web site. I clicked on looking for my husbands family.His mother was born in Rankin but so far all we have is her fathers name and her mothers, but we do not know what her mothers name was before she married.We have become members of the Smith County Geneolgy Club. His grandparents on his fathers side are from that County.

Edith Mendoza - 03/05/99 05:24:09
My Email:Edey_M@excite.com
Where are you from?: Arizona

Hi Linda I came across your name on the ICQ & I had a friend with the same name. I lost contact with her back in 1979 I think & I alway's wondered What happened to her & then I saw your name & you are the same age as I & I thought maybe it mite be her or ot if that is your married name. I hope to hear back from you. My maiden name was Gallaher & I went to school in San Manuel. Well linda take care . Sincerely Edith

Handsome - 03/03/99 05:17:45
My URL:http://www.ewb.cx
My Email:ewb@shreve.net
Where are you from?: Shreveport, La.

Hi :)

gina - 02/12/99 21:58:11
Where are you from?: california

your tribute to your friend touched my heart. God bless you

c lenseigne - 01/30/99 12:10:09
My URL:http://roadrunner
My Email:wwme@hawaii.rr.com
Where are you from?: Aiea HI


- 01/19/99 22:43:06


Kathy - 12/09/98 08:36:06
My URL:/~kbrezins/whindex.html
My Email:Evergreen_Farm@Bigfoot.com
Homepage: Evergreen Tennessee Walking Horse Farm
Where are you from?: S.C.

Just stopped by to say hello & see what was new. Everything looks so nice. You have really done a great job with your place! Hope you have a Happy Holiday!

snowman wreath Seasons Greetings

From Us  To You
Graphics from:
Animation Factory

Carolyn Slater - 11/08/98 11:53:11
My Email:User898148
Where are you from?: Hattiesburg, MS

Researching: Slater-Brown-Graves-Berry from Jeff Davis County-Miller-Hudson from Lamar and Marion County Sherman-Davis-Thompson from Jasper, Smith Jeff Davis and Covington counties.

Anita Hansen - 11/07/98 01:37:05
My Email:NEETZ5@aol.com
Where are you from?: MN

I was doing research on my G-grandfather SMITH from Mississippi and came across your fun Web page. Looks like we're probably not related. I still enjoyed the page and the music.

Richard Rankin - 11/05/98 03:46:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~glen49/index.html
My Email:rank22@sat-co.net
Where are you from?: Moro Bay, Arkansas

I like your homepage lot of good information.

Lydia - 10/18/98 20:20:21
My URL:http://www.wirehub.nl/~elpee
My Email:elpee@wirehub.nl
Homepage: catwomans place
Where are you from?: you know.. (s)

Hi Linda, finally i got back my bookmarks, i lost everything, emails, icq... all... how are you doing, how is greg and little taylor, big taylor right now i think... please let me know.. i am looking forward to hear from you... your dutch friend...

10/03/98 21:43:55
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jami - 09/07/98 19:59:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Jetty/8080/
My Email:marvm@geocities.com
Homepage: Clubn's. I'm devoted to help peoples clubs!!
Where are you from?: Washington

I love all of your graphics! I have AOL so its java enabled. I'm sure I'll be coming back here alot! I love this place. The design and music is great!!

R.V. Mason - 09/03/98 22:26:59
My Email:rvmason@juno.com
Homepage: na
Where are you from?: Chicago, IL

Your site caught my attention, have been researching the Mason family of Copiah Cnty. about six months now. Was wondering if there may be a connection? Searching for Jerry Mason b. Sept. 1863 m. Hannah Hamlet Jan. 8, 1880 in Copiah Cnty. Your site is the ny one that I have encountered, than mention

R.V. Mason - 09/03/98 22:26:51
My Email:rvmason@juno.com
Homepage: na
Where are you from?: Chicago, IL

Your site caught my attention, have been researching the Mason family of Copiah Cnty. about six months now. Was wondering if there may be a connection? Searching for Jerry Mason b. Sept. 1863 m. Hannah Hamlet Jan. 8, 1880 in Copiah Cnty. Your site is the ny one that I have encountered, than mention

Charlie Pardieck - 08/12/98 20:26:53
My Email:amiga43@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Houston

F/A ISO BFamily. Born 4/25/75 in Hollywood, FL, name of Leslie Sue King

Carol Willis - 07/31/98 16:14:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/1662
My Email:carolwillis@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Wendover,UT - raised in Texas

Your site is beautiful. Thanks for all your help.

M Plambeck - 07/16/98 01:39:18
My Email:bmp7@juno.com
Where are you from?: Lincoln, NE

Great info. Could spend hours looking!! Thanks for the great genealocial links!! I love the Military connection idea! Going to search that next when I visit to try to find buddies of my Grandfather Riley who was killed in WWII. My Mason Great-great Gra father came from Georgetown, D.C. that's all I know His name was John T. Mason born 1822 d. in California in 1899. Thanks again! From your possible distant Mason cousin! Martha

James F. Long - 06/19/98 22:25:00
My Email:copyediting@mlsinc.com
Where are you from?: Eugene, Oregon

My father is Donald Everett Long, the same from your Walker geneolog

Shannon Evans - 06/10/98 07:00:06
My Email:evanss@gkpost.gkab.af.mil
Where are you from?: Mississippi, live in Germany

I love your site. I am researching my family for my dad. I live in Germany and work for the Community College of the Air Force. My mom and cousins, et al live in Jackson/Madison/Pearl/Yazoo County. I have a nephew, sister-in-law, and mother-in-law who are diabetic. I can relate!!! Regards, Shannon Broocks Evans Hotty Toddy!

Tom Dewey - 05/10/98 05:05:10
My Email:Enduro1000@AOL.COM
Where are you from?: Orlando

Looking for diabetics in the Orlando,FL area to start a support group and become active in outdoor activities like hiking and mountain biking.I am very experienced in Type 1 diabetes,am in top endurance shape and can support new diabetics in their care.
Tom Dewey - 05/10/98 05:03:05
My Email:Enduro1000@AOL.COM
Where are you from?: Orlando

Looking for diabetics in the Orlando,FL area to start a support group and become active in outdoor activities like hiking and mountain biking.I am very experienced in Type 1 diabetes,am in top endurance shape and can support new diabetics in their care.
Brad Olson - 05/05/98 04:16:50
My URL:http://welcome.to/theolsons
My Email:brad@skyrocketmedia.com
Homepage: Olson Family Album
Where are you from?: Phoenix, AZ

Found your page following links in a guest book - good job!

Jo Ann Swofford - 04/26/98 02:41:10
My Email:joann@eurekaphotography.com
Homepage: www.eurekaphotography.com
Where are you from?: Berryville, AR

Have my old www. address on your guest book but we now have a new web page and I wanted you to have the new address. Very interested in genology,only wish I had more time for it. Interested in Walker, Swofford, Horton, Plumlee,Jackson, Cromwell,Reid, Si mons and several others. If anyone has information on these lines, please e-mail me. Thanks!

sherri - 04/20/98 11:44:49
My Email:sistersherri@webtv.net
Where are you from?: michigan

is there a geneology page where i dont have to order softwear or pay like 100.00$?????could you please send me one??? im lookin for my mother...thanx!!!

Didi Untung Susadi - 04/17/98 07:45:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/6725
My Email:susadies@hotmail.com
Homepage: A Little piece of the web from SURABAYA RUNGKUT, East Java Islands
Where are you from?: REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA

Hi Linda, I'm from Indonesia in Surabaya city East Java, Islands. Good luck Linda ! Your home page is beautifull.

Charlotte Harkey - 03/16/98 06:49:48
My Email:charkey13@aol.com
Homepage: None
Where are you from?: Greenville, MS

I am also researching my Howell line. My grandfather was Elzy Howell, married Ludie Kuykendall. I know they lived in Boliva County in 1920. My grandmother died and is buried somewhere in Greenville, Ms. I'm new at this research but very much intereste in finding out about a side of the family we know very little about.

Polly Poole Craig - 03/06/98 03:55:17
Homepage: None
Where are you from?: McAllen,Tx (via Ms)

This is wonderful. congratulations.

Allie - 02/26/98 08:13:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/6728/thelounge2.html
Homepage: the lounge II
Where are you from?: Canada

great page, linda!

Karen Preston - 02/25/98 03:07:23
My Email:katehep@iinet.com
Where are you from?: CA

I just signed up for a geocities page and I am lost , you have such a good page, - I guess I can't follow directions and I AM LOST. Considering hiring a professional. I feel I am computer experienced but for some reason it's left me cold. Can't get an thing done. HELP PS my home page is on FTM "Karen's Page"

Amethyst - 02/18/98 17:02:34
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net
Homepage: Amethyst's Page
Where are you from?: Colorado

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday

Lucretia Holocker - 02/17/98 09:02:04
My Email:JLHolocker@aol.com
Where are you from?: Gatesville, Texas


Barbara Mason - 01/19/98 18:52:28
My Email:baaaaaam@mvp.net
Where are you from?: Missouri

I really enjoyed your page. I am looking for LINCOLN MASON and ELIZABETH THOMAS, parents to my ggrandfather LINCOLN MASON born in Stclair Co. Illinois In 1845, Lincoln Sr. was as census goes from Ky. and Elizabeth was from Indiana. Any help finding the mo e information on these ancestors or adding to the younger ones would be helpful. I am willing to share what i have. Thanks.

daniel - 01/19/98 03:14:10
My Email:tumblbug@gnat.com
Where are you from?: ga

My name is Daniel and I was diagnosed with diabtes when I was 11 years old. I have been doing pretty good with controlling it so far. We have just got on the internet and started looking around and found your page. Don't have a page yet but do have an e-m il address. Looking forward to hearing from you. By the way I am now 16 years old.

Linda White - 01/14/98 04:29:49
My URL:http://www.gotnet.net/richlin1/default.htm
My Email:homegm@gotnet.net
Homepage: Richard and Linda's Home Page
Where are you from?: CA

you have a great page. keep up the good work

Jo Ann (Walker) Swofford - 01/01/98 21:29:46
My URL:http://www.ozarktravel.com/photjohn.htm.
My Email:pbj-tst@CSWnet.com
Where are you from?: Berryville, AR 72616

I have begun the Walker research. Our URL will take you to our business homepage. Do not have a personal page set up yet but hope to soon. Received the Family Tree Maker Deluxe Edition III for Christmas so hope to do some serious research soon. My Walke line goes back to Overton Co. Tenn. so am very interested in connecting with those whose roots are there. Thank you.

Sherri Rollins - 01/01/98 18:59:33
My URL:http://home.switchboard.com/verysherri
My Email:abrsrr@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Baton Rouge, La.


Paul Lenart - 12/16/97 19:14:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/4017/
My Email:ylenart@magnolia.net
Homepage: Mississippi Alliance of State Employees/CWA Local 3570
Where are you from?: Vicksburg, Mississippi

As a former UMC employee, I would urge everyone working there to join the union. Happy holidays in the meantime, a season where we remember loving and giving, rather than the bottom line that our exploiters live for.

Scott Jones - 11/10/97 01:17:31
My Email:yazoo@ibm.net
Where are you from?: Yazoo City, MS

Really Great page!! and I love the music. Scott

Lora - 11/07/97 19:58:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/2561
My Email:loralee@webtv.net
Homepage: Lora's Worlds Of Fascination
Where are you from?: PA

Hi. Just dropped in for a visit. You're doing a great job!

Gloria Martin - 10/27/97 02:19:07
My Email:gum1211@nstar.net
Homepage: none
Where are you from?: Texas

Very nice! Will check you often.

tex - 10/22/97 18:48:38
My Email:same
Where are you from?: mississippi

Maybe it worked this time. How do I make my own web page by mt self. I love your colors. tex.

Darla - 10/15/97 05:00:43
Homepage: none
Where are you from?: Ar

looking for ancestors in Miss. in mid 1800's thought I would check your info.

Margie - 10/14/97 15:42:52
My Email:mbcroney@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: Ga.

Nice, and very informative page. Very well done!

THUMPER - 09/26/97 05:23:15
My URL:http://www.twow.com/thumper
My Email:thumepr@twow.com
Where are you from?: The end of the world...to your home town.

Thanks for all the fun I had here. I'm still checking it out. So far so GREAT! Keep up the GREAT work!

Mike Buckman - 09/07/97 02:07:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9582/
My Email:rookie@ix.netcom.com
Homepage: above url
Where are you from?: Boston, Mass.

I linked to your page from my mom's page and it is really a great page!

Ruby Mason - 08/31/97 14:39:13
My Email:RVMASON@aol.com
Where are you from?: Chicago, Il

This is really a great website!! Wonder if we're connect somehow. Searching for Mason's from some of the same MS. Counties. Hinds, Copiah and Jefferson. Thus far have not been very succesful, but will keep researching.

Peg Buckman - 08/26/97 02:44:18 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7401/
My Email:DavePeg@ix.netcom.com
Homepage: Genealogy
Where are you from?: Boston, MA

don't check the url yet, it's not ready....still learning you know...That's why we need you as our leader. Thanks.

Sandy White - 08/24/97 03:16:43 GMT
My Email:Bred539@aol.com
Where are you from?: Louisiana

I really liked your web site, thanks!

Melanie - 08/20/97 23:17:20 GMT
My Email:MTFanelli@aol.com
Where are you from?: Montclair NJ

Looking forward to your geneology page!!!

Richard Shannon - 08/19/97 21:41:48 GMT
My URL:http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~shannon1/
My Email:rshannon@mail.utexas.edu
Homepage: Celtic Texas Mythos
Where are you from?: Austin, Texas

I have Masons and Martins in my family. My Mom's first cousin Wanda Rusling married a Mason from Washington State. She got me started on Geneology when she started the family studies. Our Martins were from Sussex in England.

Susan Cooper - 07/27/97 18:17:42 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7348
My Email:mhtmom@bigfoot.com
Homepage: Welcome to the Coop
Where are you from?: Florida

Happy Summertime~ I am so glad that I stopped off at your home today! It was very nice to meet you! - Thanks so much for coming to the Coop and meeting my family- Now, I am off to read more about YOU~

Jan Howell - 07/10/97 15:29:27 GMT
My Email:janhowell@aol.com
Where are you from?: Lafayette, LA

Working on genealogy for Howell, Ponder, Ray, Wassan in Mississipp , Louisiana, Texas and points yonder

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