This is a picture of my deceased cat. His name was Mittens and I got him for my 12th birthday. He was afraid of anything that moved. In fact he was the only cat that I knew that was more afraid of the mouse than the mouse was of him. I always said, that he was a lover not a fighter. But I wouldn't trade him for the world, and he will always be my favorite cat.
This is a picture of my cat named Surprise. He got his name because I got him 4 days after my other cat died. One thing's for sure he isn't afraid of anything. In fact his favorite thing to do is to catch an animal and leave various parts of it's body laying around the house where he knows we walk. He is a very spoiled cat and gets anything he wants. His favorite place to sleep is at the bottom of my bed all sprolled out so that I have nowhere to sleep. Oh well, he is my baby and gets anything that he wants. He has even claimed one of my chairs as his own.