



My name is Alysia and I go online as BonKitty. BonKitty is short for BonitaKitty, or BonnieKitty. A friend gave it to me!

Well I am 5 feet and 8 1/2 inches tall. I have auburn & brown hair (my first color, brown, is growing back in) and brown eyes. My birthday is October 13th, 1977, which makes me 24 years old!!!! To see a picture of me Click here! I do have a beautiful purple butterfly tattoo on my right ankle, that my mom is not very happy about. I like to grow my nails long, then paint them wild colors!

I have a wonderful son, Michael Alan who is 18 months old, he was born 9-4-2000. I also have another son, Anthony Scott. To find out about my sons, and to see their WAY to cute pics just click on their names!

I am Scotch Irish, and I am going to try to make a family tree so if anyone knows of a good site to go to for that please tell me.

I enjoy horseback ridding, Ultimate frisbee, competitive swimming, volleyball, basketball and football. I really haven't found a sport that I don't enjoy playing so far. I am always up for a challenge. I love the outdoors. I love to go camping and hiking. Summer is my favorite time of the year because it is the best time to go camping!

I don't enjoy watching the sports on the television because I don't know anybody that is playing, so I think that it is a waste of my time. But I would have to say if asked that the 49ers are my favorite football team, even though they don't do anything spectacular.

My hobbies include partying and hanging with my friends. I love to collect spoons, sea shells, and beanie babies. I love listening to music and playing my flute. I am also an avid book reader. I love to curl up with a good book on a dark and stormy night.

Well I am a single mom, which means I don't have a lot of time to fool around with the computer so it will take awhile for my page to get up to the way I want it to be. Until then please be patient with me and e-mail me any ideas or comments. I would appreciate any help that you can give me.

By the way please excuse the spelling, it was never my strong suite. I will try to get it all fixed soon.

Love Alysia!

Well if you would like to know what I have strong opinions about click here

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