
smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley

Hi! My name is Alysia, and you have just entered my CyberWorld. If you follow the link on my name you will be able to learn some more about me and what I enjoy doing in my spare time.

I am very new at this web page thing so please e-mail me with an ideas and/or comments. I would really appreciate hearing from you. If you have any suggestions for my Quotes please e-mail them to me or put it in the comments when you sign my guestbook. Please include the name of whoever wrote it so that I can give them credit. I hope that you have enjoyed your visit and I would like for you to please take the time to sign my guestbook. I welcome you back anytime.

Have fun surfing and thanks for stopping!

smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley

Quote of the Week!
The Bigger Man Sits Down!

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signbook View Guestbook



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To see a picture of ME! clickhere

To see a picture of my family & friends clickhere

To find out about my son and see some pics of him clickhere

To see a list of some of my favorite sites clickhere

To see the best animals on earth click blackcat

To see my "Froggy Page" click frog

To see my "Tigger Page" click tigger&gang

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Or you can page me with my WorldWide Pager
through the ICQ Network.

Or you could follow this link and go directly to my icq personal communications page.

I can also be found on Yahoo Messenger by the name of Bonitakitty!

© 1997 emailtigger
This page has been accessed Countertimes since December 25, 2001! I had alittle problem with my other counter, so I needed to start over!

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