Each time we suffer a death, a loss
We're drawn that much closer to the symbol of the cross,
The cross represents a beginning and an end.
It gives us hope to help our broken hearts mend.
We know that life begins in a mother's womb,
And when our mortal life ends we're placed in a tomb.
But, then our eternal life begins as we meet our Savior face to face.
If we've lived for Him and been an example of His grace.
During the next few days as you adjust to your loss,
Just remember the symbol of the old rugged cross.
That's what will sustain you, along with friends who care,
Their tender, loving hearts and words of comfort and prayer.
We know Jesus is the healer for you and for me,
And He's walking with our loved ones in eternity.
Just imagine a picture of life after death, no pain or fear,
Only the presence of the Lord, forever so near.
And when you think of one's passing from death unto new life,
what rejoicing that should bring
As the angels in heaven gather 'round your loved one to sing!
May the Lord be with you, now that your dad is gone;
Remember life in heaven just goes on and on. . . . .
This poem is based on these scriptures:
I John 3:14 - 'We know that we have passed
from death unto life,
because we love the brethen.'
John 5:24 - Jesus said, 'He that heareth my word and believth
on him that sent me, hath everlasting life
and shall not come into condemnation;
but is passed from death unto life.'
In His Love,
Denise H. Benson