I would like to introduce you to my three beautiful daughters.
Vangi-17, Kandi-14 & Mauri-10. (all are nick names)
I will tell you more about their names later.
These photos are taken in my yard. I love flowers,
but yet I don't have a green thumb.
This is Mauri. She is a 5th grader now.
She finish the 4th on Honor Roll. And I am so proud of her.
This is Kandi. She is now in high school.
But still my baby. (always)
This is Vangi. She is my senior. And 'she' is really happy about it.
All of these photos were taken the same day.
Except the very first one. (at the top)
But they still are good. I love my girls.
And the photo lets you know they are stair/step.
Their ages are 3 years and 4 months and 3 years and 5 months apart.
Maurita Lynne is named after her Dad and I.
Candace Michelle is a name we loved.
Our oldest daughter is Evangeline Dawn. Her name came
about while we were traveling. My husband is a minister and
we evangelized (traveling around the country) for a while.
After we found out we would be parents for the first time . . .
yes you guessed it. We had already discussed how neat
it would be to have a daughter while we traveled
and name her Evangeline. Our dream came true.
They are all my babies no matter what age
Mauri loves dalmations and she now has one. You can visit her page by clicking here.
Kandi loves horse (doesn't have one) and loves
watermelon. Her bedroom is decorated in watermelon. Visit her homepage by clicking here
Vangi is a collector of angels. She also loves volley ball.
Visit her site by clicking here.
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