
Steve & Rita

Steve and I in 1991.


Some of my many blessings:
I am the wife of the 'best' man on earth.
I am a mother of three beautiful girls.
I am a daughter of a great Mom and Dad.
I am a daughter-in-law of a great mother-in-law
and father-in-law. (who is in heaven)
I have many wonderful friends.


About my three daughters.
Vangi is eighteen years old and a freshman in college.
She loves music (she is a great singer)and a collector of angels.

Kandi is fifteen years old and a tenth grader.
She loves watermelon and a collector of beanie babies.
She is redecorating her room with Kim Anderson and it is a big job.
She also is a horse lover.

Mauri is 12 years old and is now in Junior High school.
She is a sixth grader and loves all sorts of things.
She enjoys riding her bike best. Of course having friends over also.


My girls are Christians and that makes me a very happy Mom.


My husband, being my best friend, is a great man.
He is a pastor and postmaster. He is a wonderful father.
And his mother would be very upset,
if I didn't let you know he was a wonderful son, also.


our family


I am a collector of many things.
Christmas is my favorite season.
I decorate my home each year and this past year I had Open House.
Many of my friends came by and enjoyed my collection of
nativity scences, villages, angels and snow babies.
I had seven trees inside my home this past year.
My girls all had their own.

I am a collector of porcelain dolls. I have many of them.
To view a few of my dolls (click here).
My girls are collectors also and it seems Christmas
is not Christmas, if a doll isn't under the tree.
So there will always be dolls under our tree.
(even if it is porcelain)
And one of our traditions at our house is,
we all sleep in new pj's on Christmas Eve night.

I have a collection of watches and clocks.
(and this daylights saving time has got me busy changing my 40+ clocks)
Lamps is also one of my likes. (Victorian lamps is my speciality)
And I love unusual photos frames.
I have a small collection of plates.
(one from Cancun, Amish Country, Disneyland and a few victorian ones)
So I am a collector of many things.
A few other things I collect is hat pins, teacups, Fenton products,
and Yesterday's Child by The Boyd's Collection.

To see a Christmas '97 family photo
go here to my very first page that was created March 16, 1998.
The photo was made at our
Open House, December 14, 1997.


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