
I'm Kaitlyn!
I'm 13 yo and I'll be entering the 8th grade the end of August.
I'm the oldest kid in the family.
I have 2 younger brothers and a kitty cat.
My brothers names are Bryan and Eric (aka pip-squeak).
My cats name is Cameo, and I really wish...
I had a Dog named Woofy, but Nooooooo!...
Dad won't let me! He says...
" They cost too much money and smell and wreck everything...
plus they poop all over the yard...
not to mention they eat a lot and bark!
In his opinion,
there's nothing positive about owning one unless...
you are old and lonely!...
But I think he's wrong.

I've been keeping busy this summer babysitting my little cousin Cassie, but I call her lil' rodent, because she crawls all over the place. My Aunt really doesn't care for the nickname....but oh well..she is what she is.
I'm really not looking forward to going back to school, but it will be nice to see my friends...so I guess it'll be worth it.

I'll be starting soccer in September, I can't wait! But, I'll probably end up in the ER because I skipped playing last year. I didn't really want too, but my Mom and Dad had a bunch of stuff going on and asked me if I'd mind skipping a year...just to make things less hectic and easier time wise. So I ended up skipping.

Some of my hobbies and things I like to do are:
Talking (especially on the phone)
Playing sports
Hangin' with friends
Eating chocolate
Playing GB SP ADV/PS2/PC Games
Watching TV (one of my favorites is GH)
and of course...listening to music
That pretty much sums it up!

My Mom says, " I am very strong willed and definitely has a mind of
my own. She also says I'm extremely responsible and self motivated
...and don't forget a perfectionist"...I think she's crazy!

But, the one thing I do know is I LOVE to get my own way!!
...by any means neccessary!
Oh, yeah...I'm known to get occasionally moody...well, ok, ok, maybe alittle more often than occassionally...but hey I'm a teenager..I'm supposed to be moody! ....I almost forgot to mention I have a slight attitude ...only slight though....yeah right.

Favorite color: blue and purple Favorite number: ?
Favorite Day: Friday Favorite Time of Day: night
Favorite Seasons: Fall
Favorite Holiday: All of them
Favorite movie: ?
Favorite fruit: Watermelon and Strawberries
Favorite vegetable: Garden salad
Favorite drink: iced tea and diet soda
Favorite type of book: Fantasy
Favorite food: chinese food, babyback ribs
Favorite animal: Any one that is cute
Favorite T.V show:GH and watching the Red Sox
Favorite Pizza: Bacon and mushroom

As of right now...if my Mom asks me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I respond with, "Anything wild and crazy...that will make me rich!"
and then she rolls her eyes and says,"come on Kate, be serious....you want a real job",...and I tell her, "Some day you'll see me on TV being chased by a walrus....and I'll be rich because they have to pay you a lot for that kind of footage!"


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