Hi! My name is Bryan and I am 10 years old. I'm the middle child in my family.
I was born in September. I'm a Libra. I have Asthma (since I was 3yo).
My Mom says, "I have a twinkle in my eye and a very kind smile".
I love to play outside.
I absolutely love our cat Cameo.
Some of my favorite movies are; The Lord of The Rings, Madagascar, Shrek & Shrek 2
and I think the Jurassic Park movies are cool too!
My favorite drink is Brisk iced tea and my favorite junk food is Doritos.
I really like vegetables, my favorite is garden salad
with croutons, bacon bits, feta cheese and blue cheese dressing (hold the tomatoes)!
I also like fruit; my favorites are granny smith apples, bananas and strawberries.
My favorite dessert is Mom's homemade cheesecake.
My favorite colors are purple, blue, red, green and copper. My favorite reply is: "yeah, sure".
I like reading and I just got the latest Harry Potter book today, "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince". I'm going to read it over the summer for my book project thats due the first week of school.
I'll be entering the 6th grade this Fall. The first day of school is on August 30th.
I really like riding my bike,
I try stunts and get hurt sometimes, but nothing serious.I really like to play my gameboy advance SP (my Dad calls it my gamegirl)
I really, really love to play PS2....its cool playing it on our big screen tv with surround rocks!
I really love playing Guitar and Bass, my Dad is a musician and plays both Awesome and is giving me lessons.
My favorite music is Classic Rock, Rock , Pop.
I enjoy helping Mom and Dad with cooking and home improvement projects.
I'm a huge Boston Red Sox Fan!
I'm hoping on learning how to snow board this winter and I'm really interested in learning how to be an Archer, because I think it's a really cool sport.
I think I'll play baseball in the Spring too. My brother Eric says, he thinks I'm a pretty good pitcher.
It's been a hot and humid summer and I really love it when my Dad takes me and my brother and sister to the lake too cool off.
My favorite season is Autumn.
My favorite time of the day is night.
My favorite numbers are: 13,16,17,18,24,33,34,42.

(c) Kitty Roach
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