If you liked the first story here are a few more for ya. Hope you like them.
The Unexpected Toy
There I was, laying on the floor, trying to get comfortable for a fun filled night watching TV. Then, all of a sudden, I see this giant fur ball (my cat Tiger) ready to pounce on something. As I turn my head, I see him running after something that was extremely close to my head. Before I knew it, I felt a tugging sensation at my hair. The giant fur ball was chasing my braided pony tail. Needless to say, it hurt when he caught it.
A similar situation happened with my other cat, Sparky. I was sitting at the computer, creating this lovely web page, when I feel this patting on my back. All of a sudden, my braided pony tail starts swaying. I quick glance back to see which one of my kitties it was, and there was Sparky, sitting on the arm of the couch acting as if he was innocent.
Of course any cat owner knows when their cat gives them that "Hey, I'm innocent" look, that they were definitely into something.
I've heard that you have to watch your hair around babies because they like to pull it. Well let me tell you, at least the baby grows up and learns not to pull hair. A cat, on the other hand, just sees it as a toy.
Bathroom Antics
Below are a few short stories about some of the silly things my cats have done in the bathroom.
Attack of the Killer Toilet Paper
When I first got Midnight, I had to leave him in the bathroom when I went to work so he wouldn't get into anything. I remember coming home and opening the door to see the roll of toilet paper bunched up on the floor. And there was Midnight, sitting there looking at me like "Well, what else did you want me to play with?" Of course he was right. I should have at least put a few toys in there for him.
I can imagine what was going on in his mind. "That white thing is waving at me. Mocking me. Thinking that I couldn't get it." Well he sure got it all right. He got it all over the bathroom.
Comfy Spot
As I was walking into the bathroom, I noticed Midnight curled up in the sink, just laying there. I thought it was so cute that I had to take a picture.
Click pic to see bigger view.
Not only did he like the sink, he also like piggy back rides. I was brushing my hair when I feel these claws on my back. Midnight decided to see what is was like to climb me. I had no choice but to bend down so he wouldn't be climbing me. Then he had the nerve to lay down and get "comfy" on my back. So I slowly stood up and held him with my arms and I walked around with him "piggy back" style until he got bored and jumped off.
The Moving Shower Curtain
Sparky is very playful. He jumps in the tub and for no real reason, he starts attacking the shower curtain. If you even try to stop him, he just gets worse or starts attacking your hand. Eventually he'll get bored with it, but I keep praying that he'll calm down before the shower curtain comes down.
Water Mania
My husband was in the bathroom filling up a bucket with water for our humidifier. Sparky comes in and sits on the side of the tub, watching intensely. My husband took the bucket out and started filling the humidifier. When he returned, there was Sparky, in the tub, looking up at the faucet and then down at the drain. My hubby decided to have a little fun with the cat's curiosity, so he slowly turned on the water. To his amazement, Sparky started batting at the water as it came down.
I've heard cats are not fond of water, but this one is all for it. He's constantly in the tub playing with the left over water from a shower and is very fascinated with the toilet. No sooner do I put the lid up, he was over looking inside. One time I flushed to see what his reaction would be and he was there with both paws on the seat looking over to see the swirling water. Just like a little kid fascinated at the movement of the water as it went down. Needless to say, we keep the lid down because I went in there one time and saw water all over the seat. When I inquired my husband as to why there is water on the seat, he had no answer, so we ended up with the conclusion that Sparky's fascination got the best of him and that he had fallen in. Silly Kitty.
Another time, Sparky was sitting on the sink as I was brushing my teeth. Afterwards, I figured he wanted to play in the sink. So I cleaned up the sink and filled it with water. As I was filling it, there he was watching. The sink was now filled with water and I watching to see what he would do. To my surprise, he stuck his paw into the water and started playing with the drain. It looked like he was trying to open it. He might have seen his reflection in the chrome drain and was batting at it. Who knows what goes on in their minds. Then he started clawing at the water. Gently stroking it as if he was trying to move the water out of his way. It was comically funny. At this point I had to get ready for work so I left him to his own devices. Luckily all he ended up with was wet paws and not looking like a drowned rat.
Now that I have the additional three cats, it's rather difficult to brush my teeth. I have at least two on the sink watching every move. Waiting for me to rinse. It's my own fault. Usually after I brush my teeth I pour some water into my cup and then pour it out. Usually it's Rascal and Sparky playing with me. They bat at the steam of water or sometimes that bite it. It's pretty funny. Never a dull moment.
Louis & Clark Expeditions
Cats are naturally drawn to the outdoors. It's in their blood to want to be outside. Their urge for the "wild" can make them do unbelieveable things to reach that goal of freedom.
Expedition #1
One Saturday morning I was lying in bed and looked up at the window. There I saw, Tiger non-chalantly walking on the "outside" sill of our window. I quickly walked over to the window and calmly tried to get him. I couldn't quite reach his body so I grabbed the only thing I could reach of him in desperation....his tail. I didn't pull too hard, but luckily it was enough for him to back up so I was able to reach him.
Expdition #2
Labor Day weekend. My husband and I were just getting home from a weekend at my mom's. I looked around to check how the kitties were doing. Something didn't seem right. As I looked around, I noticed a dead mouse on the floor. Then I realized that Midnight was missing. I tried to see where he could have gotten out from. And then I saw the kitchen window open. (NOTE: These windows slid sideways instead of up and down like normal.) He must have clawed on the screen until it moved over enough for him to get out. Well I was devastaed.
For days we looked, to no avail. So we took some creative measures. We took a box of cat treats and walked around the parameter of a farm that was next to our apartment building. We shook the box of treats, called his name, left a trail of treats around the edge of the farm that lead back to the window he escaped from, nothing. Well that next night I was about to go to bed. I figured I better take one more look before I go to sleep.
Well there he was, just sitting there looking back at me as if he was waiting for someone to look out the window. The cat treats must have paid off. I called his name, but he wouldn't move, so we had to go out and get him. Of course he got scared and started running. Eventually my husband and his brother backed him up in a strom pipe and brought him back inside. He's not as adventurous as he used to be after that expedition.
Expedition #3
Sparky is very curious and loves to check things out. If there's a door that he hasn't passed through that you're about to open, you can bet that he'll be right there to check out what's behind it.
My husband had the front door open while he was checking the mail. Something had caught his eye. He looks to see what it was, and there was Sparky walking down the front steps as if he does it every day. Well luckily for us he's not the type of cat that is skittish and runs off, so my husband quickly grabs him and brings him back inside.
From time to time, Sparky blocks the front door as we're about the open it. He just lays there or sticks is nose by the crack as if to tell us "You're not leaving unless I can too." He's going to have to learn that "house cats" stay in the house. One day (hopefully) he'll get the idea.
Would You Jump In My Grave That Fast?
There's a saying that goes "If you want the best seat in the house, move the cat." Who ever said that definitely owned one. That saying is particularly true in the case of Midnight. No sooner do I "start" to get up (or think about getting up) he is right in my spot already comfortable before I'm fully standing straight. He sometimes does the opposite. Just before my tush hits the chair, he quickly sneaks in and I practically sit on him. Luckily I catch myself in time. When this hapens, I try to be nice and just tell him to move, but most times he just sits there. So now I start to take counter measures. I start sitting down; inches away from smooshing him. At this point, he just moves over so we both can sit on the lounger. What a nice kitty. He's so generous.
Bubba is a cool cat. He's my neighbor's kitty. But I treat him as if he were my own. On the third day upon moving into my house, I was sitting on my front steps. That's when I saw him for the first time. I started calling him over (naturally) and he walked right over like he owned the place. He came up on the steps and layed on the second step and let me pet him.
From that moment we became instant friends. I've come to adopt him as my unofficial fourth kitty. He stops by every so often. He'll come around to my back yard and lay on the screen porch steps (that's where the sun usually is). And every time I'm in the bathroom, I peek out the window to see if he out there. If he is I usually always go out to say hello.
The other cats don't seem to like him. Midnight especially. Bubba will be sitting on the porch step looking in through the sliding glass doors and there is Midnight staring right back. Scratching and clawing away at the door to try to get him. Bubba just sits there mocking him. Not even flinching. It's so comical.
Like I said before, Bubba thinks he owns the place. One time I looked outside to see if he was there and I saw him sitting on the shelf to our grill. It was so funny that I had to take a picture.
Click pic to see bigger view.
Bubba was a cool cat. Unfortunately, he passed away in November, 1998. I will miss him and will always love him dearly. We were lucky to have met him and had him as part of our family.
Mitten's Snack
I was going in to brush my teeth when I saw this spider on the side of the door jam. I decided to just leave him alone. So I finished brushing my teeth and out of the corner of my eye I saw Mittens playing with something. Then I said to her, "No you didn't" and looked at the door jam. Sure enough, she saw the spider too and decided to see what he was about. Well at this time I was yelling at her to drop it and got a wad of toilet paper to put the poor thing out of his misery. Well I was too late. When I got back with the toilet paper, all I saw was Mittens chewing, licking her chops. I was so saddened, not so much that she ate a spider, but for the spider itself. Well after that ordeal she was looking around the wall for more. She noticed a small hole in the wall and got up on her hind legs to investiage. Hmmm could this be another snack? Luckily there wasn't.
© 1997 E-mail me with any of your suggestions for my web page, your personal favorite wav files, pics, links or stories and I'll put them on my page. I'd love to hear from you and your cats.