Welcome to the new My Pet Site!! The place for goldfish lovers. Are you a goldfish lover? If so, welcome to goldfish heaven! We have information on goldfish care and our own exclusive live java chat line from the people at XOOM Chat (formerly paraCHAT). What you might see here. may help you even become a better goldfish parent and/or owner.

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What's up
Goldfish Care Switchboard
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    What's New?
If you have visited our sister site,
The Perch, you might have noticed that we have played around with our layout there and we have done the same thing here.

All goldfish care info, can now be found under the Goldfish Care Switchboard. We moved all care and anatomy page links to that page. Due to demand from visitors, we will be adding a Goldfish Diseases page within two weeks.

For other changes and new page additions, please visit the What's Up?? page by clicking on the link in the directory or by
clicking here!!

Goldfish Chat

We are proud to re-introduce our own java chat room, Goldfish Chat. It's where people who love goldfish can talk to other goldfish lovers or for those just want to chat with interesting people. Click Here to go there now!

E-mail your comments, suggestions, pictures, stuff for the collection, & link requests to

Note: E-mail regarding goldfish care will be ignored and deleted. The creator does not have enough resources or knowledge to back up a response. A Goldfish Care Forum is being worked out. When it is up, please post your questions there.

My Pet Site!! The place for goldfish lovers. was last updated on: Friday, February 12, 1999.


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Users using the chat system, must agree that anything said or any disputes are not in any way a part or affiliated with this site,
My Pet Site!! The place for goldfish lovers. Any said is the property of their owners and their's only. Chat is hosted by XOOM Chat.

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No part of this site may be saved or transferred, unless through printing, by downloading unless under wise said. The pictures and text are the property of their owners, and is used on this site with courtesy and reference to the author. This page is hosted by
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©1997-1999 My Pet Site!! The place for goldfish lovers.
Established March 1997.