Welcome to the Stuebing homestead in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. I hope you will take a minute to look around. There is a little bit of who I a and a lot about the things some of the things I like to do.
One of my favorite passtimes is the family history in Canada. If that is what brought you to this site and you would like to share information, please get in touch. My email address link is shown at the bottom of this page.The Stuebing family has a proud Canadian hertiage that dates back to the American Revolution, in 1775, when the Hessian branch of the family fought on behalf of the British. Two Stuebing men remained in Nova Scotia following the war. Regretably one name was changed to Stevens and the other Stubing never lived to have children of his own.
In 1835 my direct ancestors landed from Schomburg-Lippe, Germany and settled in Erbsville and Berlin, the area now known as Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. You can learn of our roots through our genealogy work and that of others, who have graciously provided their information for our genealogy page. Also, amongst these pages, you will find the complete passenger manifest for the ship Emilie and Helene that brought an ancestor, Henry Stubing, in 1835. I have yet to discover what happened to Henry. Like all the ships passengers he was heading for Upper Canada but I have found no further trace of him.Peter Stuebing is a successful computer consultant and educator. When not managing business or looking for dead relatives he spends time relaxing with a large Canadian stamp collection inherited from my father.
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Last Modified: November 24, 2000
Since November 26,2000