SpaceBunny & Stimpy's Pad

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spacebunny SpaceBunny (click for more pictures)

stimpy Stimpy (click for more pictures)

spacebunny two new arrivals(click for more pictures)

SpaceBunny moved into his pad in February and has always been freerange i.e. he has never been caged. He is a Dwarf Lop(so we've been told) and he is like a spring lamb when he does his high kick in the air. He has a calm, independant and intelligent disposition but still manages to rule the house.

He has been very good except for eating a prized houseplant. He's still alive so I take it that it wasn't toxic. (It was a prayer plant.... maybe that has some hidden message)

Due to his quiet behaviour (and total rabbit cuteness) it was decided to get him a friend. We brought Stimpy home in March from the Animal Welfare Centre where he had been for about 6 months - all of his weaned life. He is a very special breed of common rabbit. Stimpy is interested in everything, he eats everything, chews everything and is generally a nosey busybody. He always looks at you from the corner of his eye, especially if he knows he shouldn't be doing something.

After a little shyness and general "I don't really know what I'm supposed to do with this creature" on both parts, they are quite good pals. SpaceBunny grooms Stimpy and sits close to him, and in return, Stimpy chases SpaceBunny around the room.

Links of interest to rabbit freaks:

Muffin, SpaceBunny & Stimpy's penpal
House Rabbit Society
Paige's Rabbit Links, Other Groups and Mailing Lists
UK Rabbits WWW Page
Rabbits Only
The World Wide Warren
Boris's rabbit home page
Poopy's home page
Rabbits and their care
Hey Ma! Git' the kids! It's Bunny Time!
Southern Tier Rabbit Care Network
Amy's RabbitRant
Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits
PetBunny Homepage
PetBunny Archive
FBI - Furry Bunny Investigators

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This page was created on 10th April 1997 by Clare Newlands and updated on 22rd May1998

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