Hi! Welcome to our District's homepage. Our District, number 4690 in Rotary International's organization, comprises all of Bolivia in South America. Before givng you more information about our District, we want to let you know that Rotaract is a community-service Club for men and women 18 to 30. It's purpose is to give young adults the opportunity of expanding their knowledge and experiences, for their personal development, helping at the same time to solve their communities' problems.
In this page you will find information related to our District's organization, you will be able to read and get to know about our history and you can browse through the regulations and decisons made in our District events during the Rotary year '96-'97.
You will also find:
This is the personal data of those who will be in charge of ruling our District this year.
President Rotaract District Committee | Germán Rioja | Rotary Club Oruro | Oruro | 283 |
District Rotaract Representative | Wilson W. Sandy Tapia | Rotaract Club Oruro | Oruro | 20 |
Elect D.R.R. | Santiago Joffré Auad | Rotaract Club Cochabamba | Cochabamba | N.A. |
Past D.R.R. | Ricardo Varela S. | Rotaract Club San Pedro | La Paz | N.A. |
XXVI Rotaract Conference President | Mariela Pereira E. | Rotaract Club Cochabamba | Cochabamba | 688 |
Internet Comitee | Carlo Villarroel | Rotaract Club Cochabamba | Cochabamba | N.A. |
Our District's history begins on September 18th 1968 when 18 gentlemen and 12 ladies come together to charter Rotaract Club La Paz. From that moment onwards the process of growth begins reaching in our days the number of 16 Clubs in District 4690 with aproximately 200 members.
The first Rotaract District Conference took place in 1973 in the city of La Paz, all the clubs being invited by the first Rotaract Club in Bolivia. During this 1st. Conference the first Rotaract District Governor, Mr. Gonzalo Torrico, was elected. The following are the District Conferences that were organised after 1973:
1973-1974 | I District Conference | Rotaract Club La Paz | Gonzalo Torrico-RTC La Paz |
1974-1975 | II District Conference | Rotaract Club Cochabamba | Non available-RTC Santa Cruz |
1975-1976 | III District Conference | Rotaract Club Oruro | Non available-RTC Santa Cruz |
1976-1977 | IV District Conference | Rotaract Club Sucre | Non available |
1977-1978 | V District Conference | Rotaract Club Santa Cruz | Jorge Montalvo-RTC La Paz |
1978-1979 | VI District Conference | Rotaract Club La Paz | Jaime Ascarrunz-RTC La Paz |
1979-1980 | VII District Conference | Rotaract Club Tarija | Toty Talavera-RTC Santa Cruz |
1980-1981 | VIII District Conference | Rotaract Club Oruro | Toty Talavera-RTC Santa Cruz |
1981-1982 | IX District Conference | Rotaract Club Tupiza | Jaime Zenteno-RTC Tarija |
1982-1983 | X District Conference | Rotaract Club Potosí | Germán Rioja-RTC Oruro |
1983-1984 | XI District Conference | Rotaract Club Oruro | Germán Rioja-RTC Oruro |
1984-1985 | XII District Conference | Rotaract Club La Paz | Eduardo Nicolls-RTC Oruro |
1985-1986 | XIII District Conference | Rotaract Club Cochabamba | Lionel Villarroel-RTC Potosí |
1986-1987 | XIV District Conference | Rotaract Club La Paz | Peter Weiss-RTC Cochabamba |
1987-1988 | XV District Conference | Rotaract Club Potosí | Peter Weiss-RTC Cochabamba |
1988-1989 | District Assembly 1988 | Rotaract Club Sucre | Jorge Godinez-RTC La Paz |
1989-1990 | XVI District Conference | Rotaract Club Santa Cruz | Juan Carlos Terrazas-RTC La Paz Sur |
1990-1991 | XVII District Conference | Rotaract Club Potosí | David Escalier-RTC Potosí |
1991-1992 | XVIII District Conference | Rotaract Club Cochabamba | Raúl Peñaranda-RTC La Paz |
1992-1993 | XIX District Conference | Rotaract Club Tarija | Armando Taborga-RTC Cochabamba |
1993-1994 | XX District Conference | Rotaract Club Oruro | Francia Rodríguez-RTC Tarija |
1994-1995 | XXI District Conference | Rotaract Club Sucre | Verónica Sandy-RTC Oruro |
1995-1996 | XXII District Conference | Rotaract Club La Paz | Jorge Salinas-RTC Cochabamba |
1996-1997 | XXIII District Conference | Rotaract Club Potosí | Sara Fortún-RTC Grigota |
1997-1998 | XXIV District Conference | Rotaract Club Oruro | Ricardo Varela Sanjinés-RTC San Pedro |
1998-1999 | XXV District Conference | Rotaract Club Tarija | WIlson Sandy Tapia-RTC Oruro |
This meeting took place in the city of Cochabamba on the weekend of September 14th 1996.
The 55 rotaractors from District 4690 who attended the meeting could hear two wonderful expositions:
The VIII ERBOPECH's Organising Committee -Rotaract Club Grigotá- to be held from October the 31st through november 3rd 1996 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra talked about the project they made for the organisation of this multidistrict event and at the same time they gave a quick overview of the progress of the organisational tasks that are been carried on. Some details regarding District 4690's participation as host were also discussed.
Several lectures were heard from fellow Rotarians and Rotaractors on very important issues related to Rotaract; the following were the topics the lecturers dealt with:
1.- Presidents and VicePresidents' tasks. Conclusions: Good communication must exist between the Club and the Board of Directors; Solutions to Club's problems must be searched in the Board's meeting; Ordinary meetings' programmes must be varied so as to motivate members' participation; It is a good idea to prepare monthly programmes and distribute them to the members in the last meeting of each month.
2.- Secretaries and Treasurers' tasks. Conclusions: Secretaries must have their own agenda of expiration dates regarding payments and shipments to the DRR and R.I. Treasurers must have the ability of evaluating the most convenient way of collecting membership dues.
3.- What is leadership?. The exposition was based on the seven characteristics or elements a person must have to become a leader, these elements are: Ideas, Ideals, Human Values, Principles, Consciousness, Virtue, Mind.
4.- Community Service
5.- Vocational Service Conclusions: Acknowledge all the members as professionals within their occupations and give them the opportunity to show the rest of the membership the activities they carry on.
6.- Servicio Internacional Conclusions: Let the whole world know the activities the District carries on by building a homepage in the World Wide Web.
7.- Servicio en la Comunidad Conclusions: Organise and update a database regarding clubs' projects.
This year the responsability of organising this MultiDistrict anual event that takes place every year in one of the three countries, fell on District 4690, being responsibles of such task our friends from Rotaract Club Grigota in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The VIII ERBOPECH took place in the touristic complex 'Achira Sierra Resort', 117 km. away from the city of Santa Cruz from october 31st to november 3rd 1996.
120 Rotaractors from Bolivia, Peru and Chile attended the event; they could, besides making new friends, exchange experiences on Rotaract activities in the different Districts.
The topics dealt with during the event were:
1.- Discussion with a purpose.-