Steeves Family Page
My name is John Steeves, descended from Heinrich and Rachel Steif who
settled land in the 1760's near present day Moncton, New Brunswick. This
page is an attempt to share the information that I have with anyone interested
in family histories. The data is presented in two different ways:
- Descendants - I have created descendant reports for the oldest
known member of each of the sixteen family names below. I chose these names
as they represent the surnames of my children's great-great grandparents.
- Pedigree - I have created a 4 generation pedigree chart for
my wife and myself as well as ancestor reports which go back as far as
I have data.
Feedback on how this site could be more useful as well as with new/updated
data would be greatly appreciated. You can either email me at,
or use my Surname Feedback form.
click on the cameras in the reports to view photos
Click below to view a descendant report for a particular surname.
My Ancestors

My Wife's Ancestors

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