Welcome sign

Hello, Welcome to my Cyber Garden of Favorites.
I love roses, Victorian pictures,
The Lord (of course), my family,
and as you shall notice

Click on the Flowers
to Surf through My Garden!


Christian links

Bible resources, Christian music, forums,
and other excellent Christian sites on the net.

homeschool links

Catalog sites, forums, educational helps, educational helps for teachers

links to freebies on the net

Here are some links to free things all over the net. It's allot of fun to see all the things you can get. It takes time, so you may want to bookmark this when you have plenty of time to surf........

A page full of search engines

Check out some of my favorite search engines...........

Send a gift over the internet for free

You have probably seen a lot of cards you can send, but have you seen vacations, kitchens and music?

To California where I grew up

Some favorite sites of Los Angeles and in San Francisco

To Indiana where I am raising my family

Where my kids grew up.

Today Is:

The time and weather here in Van Wert, OH.

Click for Decatur, Indiana Forecast
Please Visit Our Sponsors

Links to help you create a cyber home all your own

I have all kinds of links on this page that will help you make a page. There are links to HTML help, graphic links,


If you came in on a webring click here and thanks for dropping in.


Now About me and my family:
We are a Christian family, who have had our ups and downs, but we are sticking together no matter what.
My name is Karan and I am the manager at a convenience store here in Van Wert, OH. and these are my 3 children.

rose bulletGabriel
My oldest is 18 years old. He enjoys computer games and also learning about computers. He also enjoys anything that flies, such as rockets and airplanes. He has been taking flying lessons, and is now working on his air time. I am very proud of him. He looks just like his dad.
Here is a picture

rose bullet Stephanie

My only daughter who is 17 years old. She has done dance all of her life. She does ballet, toe, clogging and hip hop. And in clogging she and her group won 2nd place in a state champion a few years back. She loves to read especially the "American Girls" series, and She loves "Winnie the Pooh". Her favorite past time is doing her nails. She has long strong nails and loves to experimet with all the latest colors. People say she looks just like mom. Here is a picture

rose bullet Daniel

My youngest is 15 years old. He wants to be a policeman. And he loves wrestling. His page is full of these things as well as fun places for kids on the net. He loves just plain junk, such as electrical wires and broken electronic things. He loves to see if he can get them to work or make something new out of these things. We have pretty much run out of things for him to mess with, so I guess we will be doing garage sales and looking for junk this summer.... :-/ Now, I think, Daniel looks just like me, his mom. Well if I were a boy....... :-) Here is a picture


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