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My home in Pennsylvania

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I'm in the process of creating a homepage. I know it will take time, so please be patient.

My name is Ruth, and I live in Pennsylvania. My husband, Al and I have always lived in this area. He passed away May 12, 2001, and I miss him so much. We raised our three sons here, and they did well for themselves. Each graduated college, and are raising children of their own. Talk about being proud!

They married and gave us seven grandchildren. There are 3 boys and 4 girls. I finally have other girls in the family, and it is so nice.

The eldest grandson has finished college, and is now a Deputy Sheriff. He married in 2007. The eldest granddaughter has finished her doctorate degree and is working in her profession. Another granddaughter, got married and has 2 daughters, now that makes me a Great Grandmother. The next grandson is in college and his brother has followed him to college. Two young granddaughters are in the middle school, all are doing well. I wonder who they take after??? *S*

Pennsylvania is a beautiful state. It has mountains, ski resorts, Amish farms, (a visitors delight), antiques/craft shopping, many outlet stores, fishing, and recreation areas. If ever you are looking for a place to visit...try Pennsylvania.

I will be looking for you!.

Scenes at Valley Forge National Park, in Pennslyvania

Scenes in Pennslyvania

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