Greene County Georgia "Family Albums"

HEIGHT=68Greene County, Georgia
Military Records

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Greene County Militia

Revolutionary Soldiers of Greene County


THOMAS ATKINSON b ca 1734, VA d Greene Co. GA (after 21-Mar-1803
(date of Will; prob 9-Jan-1808)
Name of Thomas Atkinson is included in the list of those certified to
by some officer of the Army as having rendered military service on the Georgia Line.
The list, on which the name of Thomas Atkinson appears,
was compiled and certified by Captain Johnson.
m ca 1764 1) Elizabeth Speed b ? d after 1776
ch:Patience Atkinson m Isham Chaffin (2nd wife);
Lemuel Atkinson m Mary Ann Townsend; Armsted Atkinson m Rhoda IVy; John Atkinson m Lucy;
2) Flora Wingfield - Greene Co GA
ch: Nathan Atkinson m Mary Parker.
Thomas Atkinson was the brother of another Revolutionary Soldier, Nathan Atkinson.
(submitted by Tommie LaCavera -

WARD BRUCE was a Revolutionary War soldier,
serving with Colonel John Stewart, and received a Bounty Warrant for his Revolutionary service
(Georgia's Roster of the Revolution).
He was listed as a land owner in the Wilkes Co, GA Tax Digests of 1809.
He owned land in Oglethorpe Co, GA from 1814 to 1817.
He lived in Greene County, GA 1820,
and by 1830 had moved to Pike Co with his family.
His wife apparently died sometime after 1820 and he married
Priscilla Snead at Pike Co, GA 13 January 1830.
He died in Pike Co GA sometime between 1840 and 1850,
as his wife, Priscilla Bruce, age 52, is listed in the 1850 census of Marion Co GA
Some of his children were Nathaniel Bruce, Nancy Bruce,
and Winnifred Bruce. Winifred Bruce, married Thomas Covington
at Pike Co, GA 12 May 1833. (Marriage Book 1832-1840,page 44).
(Submitted by Pauline Stanhagen -

WILLIAM FURLOW, b. ca.1743, Ireland died Greene Co.,Ga. 17 Apr.1802
married Elizabeth (Margaret) Nidy, who died at Greene Co. Ga. after 1802 and before 1821.
The record states he served with Elijah Clarke at the Siege of Augusta.
P.S. Citizen granted land under act of 20 Aug 1781,Ga.
Reference Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Ga. pub.1941,p.71,
Certificate from Georgia State Archives signed by Elijah Clark
stating Wm. Furlow as steadfastly does his duty.,
dtd 6 Sept. 1784.
(submitted by Ms. Gerry Hill -

JAMES GRAY born 1 May 1758 Orange Co. NC m 31 Jan. 1781 Orange
d 20 Nof 1833 Pike Co. Ga.
wife Mary Riley b 26 May 1762 d 16 Jul 1840 Pike Co. Ga.
dtr of Jacob of Orange Co NC
One of our own Rev. Soldiers Pvt. Ga. Line Ga.
Roster of Rev. Kinght 1967
600 Rev. Sol. Living in Ga.
1827-28 Texas Society Dtrs. of The Amer. Rev.
(submitted by Frances Limozaine' -

Listed in McCall's Revolutionary War Pensioners of GA pp 303.
The wife Sarah Horn is listed in her husband's stead, due to his prior death.
His name was WILLIAM HORN.
I have as yet to find and file the exact company he was with
but I know he stayed in NC until abt 1805
and his wife was not in GA until 1819 where she settled in Greene CO, GA.
She filed for pension in 1827 as listed in McCall's book pp 303. (Submitted by Tom Cove -

JAMES PARK, born Prince Edward County Virginia 1752...
parents were Joseph Park and Mary Fulton. Two brothers Ezekiel and Joseph...two sisters Margaret and Katherine.
James Park enlisted December 1776 for 3 years..served as a private in 7th Va. Regiment until October 1779.
Appointed an Ensign. In December was promoted to Lieutenant. Fought with General Nathan Greene and
was at Guilford Courthouse and Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered. He and Ezekiel moved to Georgia in 1786 settling first in Wilkes County. On March 23, 1788 he purchased 862 acres on east side of Oconee River and settled. In 1794 he married Phoebe Hogue. They had 14 children. He died November 27, 1823 in Greene County. His Military Record referenced in MacAllisters Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War, pages 225-226.
(Submitted by Bill Russell -

JOHN PARKER, b. Sept. 25, 1740, Sussex Co., Del.;
d. Mar. 3, 1793, Greene Co., Ga.;
married SARAH GORDY, June 3, 1760, Sussex Co., Del.
Served from 1776 under Cpt. Joseph Vaughn, Thomas Holland, John Haslett;
1777 on payroll of Cpt John Learmouth, formerly Cpt. Popes. Co.;
1778, Cpt. James Moore under Lt. John Wilson; one Cpt. John Patten's payroll.
John Parker left his will in Greene and Hancock counties. He arrived in Washington Co. in 1784.
(Submitted by DALE GRISSOM, 902 Cedar Oaks Ln., Harker Heights, Tx. 76548.

JOHN RILEY b a 1758 Amherst Co. Va.
d 1854 Tippah Co. Ms Buried Mecedonia Cemetery, Blue Mtn. Miss.
son of Jacob Riley of Orange Co. NC
married in Orange, Mary Lynch dtr of Thomas and Hannah Schroeder
Known Children: Joseph b 7 Jan 1780 NC died 1870 to Talbot Co. Ga.
Thomas Lynch 1782-85 died 21 Nov 1830 Greene Co.Ga
Jacob 1789 Orangeburg SC d 1857 Perry,Houston,Ga
John Jr. 1800 to Miss.
Frances 1802 to Miss w/Father 1850
Nancy 1805 " (f) 1810-20
National Archives & Recorde Service Washington D.C.
D.A.R. Marker D.A.R. National #471640, #449393
Pvt. in Rev. S.C. under General Morgan, later General Greene.
Camden Dist. S.C. Later wounded Cowpens and Eutaw Springs and never fully recovered.
(submitted by Ms. Gerry Hill -


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