Greene County,



***As of April 20, 1999,
Laura Schmidt
will be taking over as the County Coordinator of
Greene County, Georgia.
and will be moving this page.
Please contact her if you have any questions!
Sorry for any inconvenience and
thank you for your patience during this transition!***

Part of the
Georgia GenWeb Project

In March and April, 1996,
a group of genealogists organized the Georgia Comprehensive Genealogy Database.
The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Georgia,
where collected databases would be stored. In addition,
the databases would be indexed and cross-linked,
so that even if an individual were found in more than one county,
they could be located in the index.
At the same time,
volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate
the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page.

If you would like to host a county,
please check the Georgia Counties Selection List
to see which ones are available for "adoption".

(a little) Greene County, Georgia History...

The land that is now Greene County was at one time inhabited by Indians
who lived, hunted and fished, all along the Oconee and Ogeechee Rivers.
In 1773, the Cherokee, Creek and Chickasaw Indian Chiefs,
signed a treaty in which they granted 2 million acres of land to Georgia.
Settlers from Virginia and a group of Scotch-Irish Presbyterians from North Carolina,
settled in the forks of the upper Ogeechee River and called their settlement Bethany.
This was the first settlement of what would later become Greene County.

On February 3, 1786, Greene County was organized;
being cut from the northern part of what was originally Washington County.
The county name and the county seat, Greensboro, were both named for
Revolutionary War General Nathanael Greene,
who lived only a few months after this honor was bestowed him.

Greene County was the 11th county created in Georgia.
It is 22 miles long, 17 miles wide and contains 374 square miles.

(source: History of Greene County, Georgia by Rice and Williams)

Portrait of General Nathanael Greene

History of General Nathanael Greene

General Nathanael Greene WebPage

***I apologize about the java script warnings
that "pop-up" with some of the pages...
This seems to be Geocities way of trying to "persuade" me
to put their ad on the top of EVERY page...
I most likely will move this website...please bear with me!!

Greene County Bible Records Greene County Research Helps
Greene County Books Greene County Surnames
Greene County Churches Greene County Queries
Greene County "Family Albums" Greene County Links
Greene County Lookups GA Genealogy Links
Greene County Military Records GA GenWeb Links

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