Cousins who served proudly in Vietnam
My name is Charles David Bunner.  I was a Navy Hospital Corpsman attached to the 1st Marine Division, 1st Regiment, 1st Batt, Alpha Company 1st Platoon during 1968.  I had one cousin, Richard Lee Miller (Marine) who served in 1964, another one, Bruce William Miller (Marine) who served in 1969,  my Brother, George Michael Bunner (Army) served in 1970, another cousin, Robert Jr Myers Army) who served in 1971 and another cousin,  Otis Ray Miller (Marine) who served in 1972 in Vietnam.  I am very proud of what we did for  when our Country called , we all answered the call to duty.  With that in mind this is my tribute to them all.
A very Proud and Noble Man, one who I love very much. Picture taken 1967 in between Hospital Corpsman School and FMF Training.
Richard Lee Miller, the first one to be in Vietnam in 1964, wounded shot 9 times in legs.  Purple Heart. Me, Charles David Bunner, USN Corpsman, Grunt Corpsman, Fleet Marine Force 1968, 2nd one in Vietnam with 1st Mar Div, 1st Mar Reg., 1st Batt, Alpha Company, 1st Platoon.  2nd one to receive Purple Heart.
Resting at ease in God's hands, no more hatred being scorned.
the 2nd Doc Bunner
George Micchael Bunner, my brother, the 4th one to go to Vietnam
Bruce William Miller, the third one in our generation to be in Vietnam
Still very proud marine
Otis Ray Miller, the last one of our generation to be in Vietnam