credit for usaflag.gif to POW/MIA site
Song is:"Welcome to my World"
Doc at 20
I helped to form this Organization called NAMC, National Association of Medics and Corpsmen after my return from a Corpsmen Reunion in Little Rock,Arkansas in 1997 with my brother who had been a medic in the Army after I had been medically discharged in 1968.
This group was formed to help all Docs since there didn't seem to be any organization that was doing anything for Doc. We try to be there to listen to each other because regardless of all the training we had, we didn't get any support/training in "How to deal with losing your first patient, be it on the ward, intensive care or out on the battlefield."
I would like to invite you to think about joining NAMC to help us to continue to help those that need the help. Please check out the Official NAMC site at
We just had new officers installed and are in the process having an membership drive to promote this concept of "Brotherly Love" to all former, present and future Docs. I want everyone to know that there is an organization where when it says "We care" we mean it.
Doc Bunner, USN medically retired 11/20/68
Presented by:
Al Varelas - USMC
Decorated Vietnam Veteran
26th Marine Regiment
Khe Sanh Combat Base
Republic of South Vietnam
Awarded March 7, 1998
I just recently had the honor of receiving this Certificate and Medal from the Khe Sahn Survivors Group in the mail. Due to a conflict in schedule with another convention at the same time I couldn't attend the formal presentation. I am greatly touched by them remembering me and forwarding it on to me. I will always be grateful for their respect. Doc Bunner, aka "Doc Bunny"
Doc Cetificate picture click here
Medal picture click here
Awarded July, 2002
click here to enter Doc's World
Books I have read that helped me.
Doc's Webring Sites
A special tribute POW
A Tribute to family who served in Vietnam
I received a copy of this booklet, “A Pocket Guide To Vietnam” during the TET Offensive of 1968. When the Marines heard that I had not received any orientation to Vietnam, one of them gave me this booklet in February while we were in HUE. I didn’t have time then to look but briefly at it. Years later I got it out and started looking at it. I never read all of it. In 1998 when the “Vietnam Moving Wall” was here, a Marine had set up a display of things that he had kept. Among them were the magnazines of LOOK, LIFE, etc. I decided then that this would be the perfect place for this booklet to be displayed along side his. I gave it to him to include in his display case after I managed to scan all the pictures but not the written material. The next afternoon when I stopped in to pay my respects to my fallen brothers, a young lady came up to me in tears. She told me that she didn’t know how to tell me some bad news. I encouraged her to just tell me. She then informed me that this booklet had disappeared after some high school students had visited. The Marine who I had entrusted this to then came up really upset over it’s disappearance. He told me that he had contacted the ROTC Officer at the school informing him of the loss. Needless to say the Veterans who knew of this booklet were more concerned over how I was going to handle the news. At first I was dazed and shocked that anyone would stoop so low to take something that meant so much to us all. It brought back memories that were good for all. It still hurts today knowing of this because if I had copied it entirely I would still have the material. Does anyone have a copy of this booklet that I may borrow to scan everything in it. Or if you can scan it entirely and email me ( If you do please EMAIL me at home at
Charles David Bunner, aka Doc Bunner, Doc Bunny to my Platoon Update on this booklet. I located it and want to thank those who responded to me informing who might have a copy of it. While it is not the same one which held emotional rememberances, at least I now can review it with the fond memories that it was given to me by that Marine In Hue, 1968.
The smaller one is a captured standard Viet Con Flag and the larger one has been untraceable. My Priest, Father Francis T. Cancro, went to visit South east Asia in Sept, 2000. While there he visited Hue and spoke to a French Catholic Priest at the Catholic School. He showed this picture of the flag to him and was told, "This might be a pulling together of the local people doing a Public project. When they do a project they all contribute something to making of a flag in celebration of it's completion. I also heard that it was French in nature.
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Doc Bunner