My name'Timber Oaks Bosun's Whistle'..... Whew! That's a mouthful! 'Timber Oaks' is the name of the kennel where I was born. 'Bosun's Whistle' -- well, my humans were trying to be imaginative. They wanted a name that had a reference to water (since I'm a WATER dog). A Bosun (or Bos'n or Boatswain) is one of the oldest seafaring titles. A Bosun is the first warrant officer responsible for handling the crew of a ship. His symbol of office was his whistle. He wore the whistle on a chain about his neck and 'piped' orders to the crew. Depending on his standing and seniority, the bosun's whistle was made of silver, brass and copper or nickel-plated metal. This is what a Bosun's Whistle looks like: |
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