My life

I was born in Traverse City, Michigan, USA on August 30, 1995. My parents are Ch. Portago Little Boy Blue ("Biko") and Ch. Sete Mares Storm Diver ("Stormer"). When I was 8 weeks old I flew up to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to meet my new humans. It was a long, scary flight but I put on a brave face! I was only 7 lbs (3.2 kg) when I arrived but now I am 54 lbs (24.5 kg). I eat well!

Here is a picture of me when I first arrived at my new home:

Bosun as a puppy (131k image)

Cute, huh? Now that I am full grown, I have lost that puppy cuteness but I have developed into a handsome boy (modest too?!?!). Here is a recent picture of me:

Handsome boy! (136k image)


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