My interests

Well, as you might have guessed, since I am a Portuguese Water Dog, my main interest is WATER!!!! I lounge in the bathtub, I drink from the bathroom sink, I dance in my water dish, I frolic in my kiddie pool, I bounce through the sprinkler, I roll in snow, I dive off of name it! If it involves water, I'm there.

Here's a picture of me flying off a dock:

Bosun leaps off dock (43k image)

Didn't get a good look?'s a better picture of me basking on a dock (drying off):

Bosun basks in the sun (130k image)

My other interests include counter surfing, paper and tissue chewing, window gazing, romping with friends, playing with my toys, sleeping and eating. My humans like to think I'm interested in obedience classes ..... I have them fooled!!!!


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