Yahoo! GeoCities Member Banner Exchange Info 

"Hello And Welcome"
We are the Rayl Family. Thanks for stopping by our webpage. Please feel free to roam around and stop off at all of the links. Make sure you give us your thoughts and comments. Any help is appreciated. Any ideas are welcome. Don't forget to stop off at David's Celtic Homepage too. It is full of Scotish History, events and music. Be sure you sign our Guestbook on either our first page. It will be greatly appreciated.
The creators of this homepage are David & Lesley, (we are the mom and dad).

There are five children, Mom & Dad.
And now on to...
"The Story of the Rayl Clan"

"My Girl Scout Page."

Wind Beneath my Wings...

Beware of Cody the Watch Cat:
"Isn't she cute!!!"

Links to other sites on the Web

Warner Bros. Looney Toons
A Gymnastic Phanantic Homepage!!!
Courtney's Cool Page. "Meet Pooh Bear and all his friends."
For COOL graphics go HERE!!! Some cool pages to surf.

WebTechs Mozilla Checked!


You are the 2500+ as of January 1, 1997

Sign Our Guestbook!!!
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"Thanks for stopping in. We are glad you came by to visit us. Don't forget to tell your friendsabout us and our homepage". "Talk to you later."And keep Praying*.

*1Th 5:17


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