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Cook/Cooke Family Photographs



Mary Caroline Hildebrand Cook
my great great grandmother
circa 1860


Mary Caroline and Aaron E. Cook
my great great grandparents
circa 1900


Calvin A. Cook
(back right) son of Aaron and Caroline
with wife, Lousia Belle McCall Cook, daughter Ila,
sons,from left, Howard, Merton and John, and grandson


Samuel M. Cooke
(center) my great grandfather
son of Aaron and Caroline
with his sons, Samuel Warren (left) and Charles Collins (right) my grandfather


Glenn L. Cooke my father
with his father Charles Collins Cooke Sr.
my grandfather


Thanks for visiting my family photographs page.
And thanks to Cousin Dale, for providing most of these pictures.

These photos mean alot to me and my family. They make our ancestors more
than just a research project to us. They are our family, where we came from.
Our ancestors may be gone, but they are not forgotten.


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