Daniel Cooke - 12/16/00 23:31:54
My Email:dcooke9@hotmail.com
I am a direct descendant of F.J. Cooke, who fought in the Battle of San Jacinto. I now reside in Lubbock, TX. My father is named Earl Cooke and his father was Hugh Cooke.
Rita Hunt - 11/11/00 20:24:22
My Email:rghun@msn.com
Great family history information. I'm researching Hunt, Newton, Cook, Logan. Will speak with you soon I'm sure. Thanks.
Jasper Cook - 10/02/00 20:50:00
My Email:jaspercook@msn.com
Well done! I'll be back. Thank you.
Costa Papis - 10/01/00 09:22:51
My Email:cpappi@yahoo.com
Yiasou. This is a wonderful web page; very creative (I especially like the art section). Your project on tracing your roots will lead you to fascinating discoveries. I wish you all the luck on your endaevour.
Eddie - 09/09/00 22:54:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/emiller121/
My Email:kmiller@m-y.net
Enjoyed your site. I am not a Cook, but it was interesting reading. You have put a lot of work in discovering your ancestry. Stay safe and God bless.
Benny Eugene Edney - 08/27/00 18:35:51
My Email:joangene@hitter.netSon
Son of Bobbie Louis Cooke. Grsndson of Louis Cooke. GreatGrandson of William Gaston Cooke. GreatGreatGrandson of Francis Jarvis Cooke. GreatGreatGreatGrandson of Henry Marchant Cooke. GreatGreatGreatGreatGrandson of Silas Cooke,Jr. 6thGreatGrandson of Si
as Cooke, Sr then Thomas.
Mary Anne Cook - 08/12/00 03:33:44
My URL:http://grsnnysfunpages.homestead.com/GrannysHome.html
My Email:tiredgranny@digitalusa.net
I liked your web site. It was great. Easy to get around on. I will visit often. I did not see any of my family there, but all I know about them started with a Henry Cook in Va. Then to Thomas Cook. b. 1820 in KY. Then they move to Indiana and have 3 c
ildren, then move to Iowa and have the other 4 children. One son Tiffon has 4 children in Clarke County, Iowa. His son Thomas b. July 18, 1878 m. Flora Catherine Newman and had 8 children all b. in Lagrange, Indiana except my Dad, William Cook, and he wa
b. in Council Groves kansas as they were passing through to Indiana from Texas. Grandpa was the only one who moved to Indiana from Clarke County, Iowa.
Again this is a great site. Keep up the good work.
karen wilson - 07/24/00 13:58:44
My Email:bobbins16@hotmail.com
I have grandparent of cooke family in england.In lancashire area. I really enjoy the webpages and the music which touched my heart and reading the poems. thanks......
Charles Russell - 07/02/00 23:21:27
My Email:egress2@earthlink.net
Wonderful job!I am new at this and couldn't belive my luck when I found this site.I am a cousin thru the David Cook line. The 11th child of Edward Netty Cook and Anne Thomas.Do you know if any one has followed this line as well as you did the Jesse line?
I have a little info and am looking for more.Thanks and keep up the good work. Charlie
Charles Russell - 07/01/00 21:07:35
My Email:egress2@earthlink.net
Joseph Maciora - 06/02/00 20:30:36
My Email:JMACIORA@bpl.org
Greetings to Roberta and Troy, i enjoyed your web pages esp. Firenze, where i visited on 28 Dec. 1991. It was great. perhaps one day you will go to Krakow,southern Poland another gem! Joe-Boston, MA 2 June 2000
Phyllis - 04/19/00 12:25:06
My Email:philly@naxs.net
Like your page.
I'm looking for my ggrandmother Arminda Cook, born 1867, who married Edward Seals. They were married March 14, 1882. Thank You Phyllis
Phyllis - 04/19/00 12:21:13
My Email:philly@naxs.net
Like your page.
I'm looking for my ggrandmother Arminda Cook, born 1867, who married Edward Seals. They were married March 14, 1882. Thank You Phyllis
David A Cooke - 04/17/00 21:17:28
My Email:abel_magwitch@hotmail.com
My Cookes are from Co.Cork Ireland, settling around Bollington/Manchester during/after potato famine.I am only just starting my quest.Your pages are an absolute treasurehouse!!!! It looks like I'm going to need another life to be able to get though all yo
r information! If there are any Cookes in Cheshire England or in Co.Cork who think we may be related, who want to contact me, please do so, I would love to hear from you.Regards, Dave.
Dyane Lloyd - 03/17/00 09:09:03
My URL:http://www.uftree.com/UFT/WebPages/KIRKLANDakaSTEGNER/KIRKLAND/index.
My Email:dyane@uswest.net
Hi! You have a very nice web page. I am really impressed. I am looking for Esther Lillian Marchalene Schmidt from Minnesota, William and Eliza Kirkland, Ira Kirkland, Knauss, Barbaras. They all have migrated from Illinois it seems, landing in PA from Scot
and, and France. Any help would be appreciated. Rice and Lasur co. and dodge co. Minnesota.
Ronald S. Cooke - 03/08/00 19:41:47
My Email:ronsconn@supernet.com
I keep looking for information about the family of my grandfather, Spencer Lincoln Cooke, who was born in Nova Scotia in 1865, married Dessa Munro and ended up in Massachusetts.
Dorothy Ferguson - 03/02/00 00:35:21
My Email:dotferg43@yahoo.com
Hello, out there. I hope someone can help us. My mother was born Dorothy Mae Cooke on March 27, 1923, in central New Jersey, to a Larry and Rachel Cooke. She is trying to locate some of her relatives. She was adopted somewhere around 1927 from the Mor
istown Orphanage in New Jersey. Our story goes that her mother died and her father couldn't take care of eight children. My mother was the youngest of eight. I looked up in the Social Security Death Registry for either Larry or Rachel Cooke, but could
nly find Rachel Cooke, born in 1887 and died in 1967 in or near Elizabeth Township, New Jersey. If anyone out there has a family history like this, please contact me. My mother's name is Katherine Margaret Leach Skoglund and lives in San Diego. My brot
er, Greg Skoglund, sister, Lili Whitford, and I are searching -- we'd like to give our mother the birthday gift of a lifetime. Does anyone out there have a similar family story??? Any descendents of Rachel Cooke please contact me or my brother, Greg, at
GNSkoglund@aol.com. You don't know how happy we would be. Thank you.
- 03/02/00 00:18:12
Rosie - 02/22/00 16:11:01
I loved your webpage, and, like you, I take an interest in finding out about my past family. Lets hope we both find the info we're looking for. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
George Cooke - 02/20/00 15:22:57
My Email:georgcooke@aol.com
I greatly enjoyed seeing your web-site...I know that searching for ancestors and relations is a bit like finding needles in a haystack, but I continue to try!!...anyone who has connections to Irish Cookes of possible Palatine descent, I would love to hear
from!!...Good luck, George Cooke
ALICE POOL - 01/29/00 15:49:57
Mary Lou Cook - 01/29/00 00:13:49
My Email:mlcook@gridusa.net
I have injoyed reading your newsletter.
Dianne Sain from N. C. is my sister, this my first
time to visit your web pages.
Robert Goad - 01/23/00 20:20:23
My Email:robert.goad2@gte.net
I like your web, I will try to e-mail you
I have some info you dont have.
john joseph - 01/19/00 15:38:45
My Email:johncooke@easicom.com
I am hoping to find somem of my relations here. have just started looking, thanks for the site. John Joseph Cooke East Sussex, United Kingdom.
Annette C Hand - 01/06/00 13:30:40
My Email:bahand@dixie-net.com
Enjoyed your page and found your info very interesting. I am looking for Clark Cook who came to MS from WV (we think?) sometime around the Civil War.
eric hildebrandt - 12/19/99 16:49:34
My Email:hildebrandte@aol.com
Nice layout,but not what I am looking for, looking more for British and German connection. Best of luck and a Happy Christmas
CONNIE - 12/17/99 23:53:01
My Email:schogun@earthlink.com
Enjoyed your Cook genealogy, I am a Cabarrus Co., NC Cook and I am always on the look out for new cousins.
jane killeen - 12/15/99 00:28:09
My Email:ajanemk@cs.com
very nice,i really enioyed spending time looking through your hard work.if anyone is related to Ambrose cooke,wife Margaret Tudor.or gibbons or Makin,all from or around Lancashire England please drop me a line, thank's jane (COOKE,madien name)
Patrick Cooke - 12/11/99 03:43:08
My Email:cooke25@ibm.net
Great site. So much research has gone into this page. I am a West Texas Cooke and am not aware of any relatives I might have in the Carolinas. Keep up the good work!
Tommy Curry - 12/09/99 03:36:00
My Email:thecurrys.backroads.net
I'm looking for information on my great-great-great-great grand parents. George Cook and Polly
Garrett. George was born1792 died 1845. Please let
me know if you have any information. Thanks!!
ROBERT W. EDWARDS - 11/15/99 19:05:27
My Email:RWE@i-link.net
My grandfather was Robert Burns Hildebrand who was the son of David D. Hildebrand and Martha Berryman. Do you have information on them - married and born in Pennsylvania. I like your page. Thanks, RWE
dawn baty - 11/01/99 19:22:17
My Email:dawnbaty@yahoo.com
Great webpage. I'm also trying to research my Hildebrand (dt) family but have had no luck tracing them. My great-great grandmother was a Hildebrand. Her full name was Luella "Ella" Hildebrand (dt). Right now I have different records showing different spel
ings to her last name. She married a Stevens/Stephens a George or J.M. As I said before different spellings on different records so I'm unsure of the spelling. Birth and death of Luella I don't know or where she came from. Again what a great website. Dawn
neil m. franklin - 10/31/99 15:03:53
My Email:neil M. Franklin @ webtv.net
your web page is very interesting and attractive .. i am a descendant of Benjamin Franklin ( a farmer in Edgefield County, S.C.)and have so far been unable to locate his grave,He was born in the 1700's.. His son ws Littleberry ( Berry ) born ? died afte
1836 and his grandson was Allen Franklin, b.1807 d 1888. As far as I know, all of the family either originated in, or came from S.C.
Martin Cooke - 10/25/99 22:22:28
My Email:mjcooke@julian.uwo.ca
Very nice page, and well-researched geneaology. My compliments!
Jodi Sadleir - 10/15/99 16:19:00
My Email:sadleir7@home.com
HI, I have a Emma Elouise Milton, daughter of John and Elvira(Chandler)Milton. She also had one brother louis. although I don't have enough information yet to make a for sure connection with your line. I do know that Emma was born and her parents were ma
ried in Bedford. May be their some relaiton. I did enjoy your sight it is clear and easy to understand and I loved the music and grafic art. Thank You for your Work. I hope to connect again with you. sincerely Jodi Sadleir
Trisch Broach - 10/14/99 21:33:19
My Email:tbroach@hotmail.com
Beautiful web page! I was just browsing for info on the Utley/Milton side of my family and I found your site. Was your Joseph Milton any kin to John Peter Milton? He was from Virginia Miltons who moved south to Burke County, Georgia.
Waunell Murphy - 10/12/99 18:03:17
My Email:rwmmgm@infinitytx.net
My husband has ancestors named Hildebrand and I was just browsing.. We are having trouble finding the right line
Charles Knowles - 10/10/99 15:43:35
My Email:CK62243@AOL.COM
I'm very glade you have taken the time to show the paintings. they are wonderful. in particular i like the Accolade by Blair. Thanks so much for inspiring within me the love of your site. Charles Knowles
Linda Green - 09/13/99 17:15:49
My Email:Linda497@wbtv.net
Hello, I loved all of it, the art, the poetry, the work that was put in it. Remember me, you and I both wrote each other a while back and tried to tie our Franklin's together. Take care and God bless.
Kathleen Chalich - 09/13/99 01:38:49
My Email:CCATALINAA@aol.com
What a great trip! I just finished printing it up and can't wait to read it all. I loved your photos and the music too on your Web page! Great work!
Ed Russell - 09/05/99 19:02:22
My Email:mred@s-way.com
My Mother was a Milton Her Father was born in
Arberdeen Scotland in 1873. His father was George
Milton born 1847 Arberdeen any help I'd Appreciate. Good Hunting ED
Ed Russell - 09/05/99 18:58:00
Judie Pergrim - 08/10/99 21:36:43
My Email:judie_pergrim@yahoo.com
I really like your page. I would like to get more info. on doing a web page. Also my grandmothers maiden name was Hildebrand. I am trying to find a link to see if this is the same family. Please E-mail me.
Tommy Nesbits - 08/07/99 14:38:36
My Email:majestic@perigee.net
Arthur H Cook - 08/06/99 16:59:23
My URL:http://none
My Email:ike@newwave.net
I don,t know a lot about my familys past --I
would like to thank you for letting me know about
yours--I realy like your pages-- At first I though
I had found a link to my past then maybe I did if
so you will know about it---{a West Virginia Cook}
thank you again---Arthur---Cooks first&always --
Helen Cooke - 07/29/99 12:11:14
My Email:hcooke@start.com.au
I enjoyed reading your Cooke information. My Cookes are from Leicestershire, England - anyone else researching from that location?
I love your web site's background!
- Helen, Tasmania, Australia.
Marlene Cook - 07/24/99 21:19:45
My Email:cookinhot@mindspring.com
Beautiful job on all your pages. Especially enjoyed your travel journal of Italy. I homeschool my three children and just completed an in depth study of the Renaissance. I linked up through your cousin's page on Cook genealogy. My husband's line of Co
ks come from S. Carolina Alabama. I love history and genealogy!
calvin h. cooke jr. - 07/19/99 02:52:20
My Email:nccooke@juno.com
very nice web site. we are looking for a link between shem cooke, and francis cooke, who came over on the mayflower. thanks
Kim Hobley - 07/18/99 17:41:05
My URL:http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~hobley
My Email:kim@hobley.globalnet.co.uk
Lookinf for conections with Walter John Cook(e) b 1865 in Bedford UK. son of John Cook(e) and Sarah Plummer.
Walter married Hannah Elizabeth Plowright.
helen j. shawcroft - 07/14/99 00:13:42
My Email:MomAnDadXO@aol.com
Hi I was just browsing the Cooke name. My great grandmother was Permelia Cooke married to Hairm Laster. Do you know any thing of them?
Deborah Cooke-Lark - 07/11/99 12:50:05
My Email:Debbi417_03@yahoo.com
I don't know if WE are related but this page has the COOKE class that I was raised to have. YOur page is very nice.
Lisa Reinicke, Cooke - 06/28/99 00:03:04
I like your site, but I didn't find my Cooke
James Henry Cooke married to Suzanna Tennesse Summitt, Children John Franklin(1900) and Jayne among others.
Eldo Hildebrand - 06/22/99 16:34:30
My Email:Eldo@unb.ca
I found the lengthy listing of "Hildebrands" from Germany/Pensylvania very interesting; although our line cleary came from Germany to North America at a later time. My father John was born in the Ukraine (former part of USSR) in 1921 of German heritage (
ennonite). The family moved to Canada in 1926, settling in southern Manitoba. Since the Hildebrand surname goes back to the ninth century in the earliest Germanic writing, there is no doubt a link to our Pensylvania "cousins". Here in New Brunswick (C
nada) I have a Hildebrand collegue whose roots go back to the early 1800's in Germany. It was with some surprise that we discovered a well known Hildebrand family here given that the area is not known to have any significant German community (in fact my
ollegue, Eric, does not really view his heritage as German at all anymore). Your site is indeed interesting; although perhaps a rather distance link to our family.
Eldo Hildebrand
University of New Brunswick
P.S. I have been informed of another "Eldo Hildebrand" out on the west coast of the USA.
Deanna Joy Fletcher - 06/21/99 17:00:41
My Email:Ah2Joy@yahoo.com
Iam searching THANK YOU!
Patricia (Patty) Cooke - 06/18/99 04:10:19
My Email:jjm@telusplanet.net
Great work !
I can see a great deal of effort went into your
research. I find geneology extremely interesting.
My Cooke family decends from Ireland , the first
to come to Canada from Ireland was Ralph Cooke
he came in 1889, I myself haven't done much
research but I have a cousin that is in the process of getting a book together . She tells me
its difficult to find documents in Ireland because
most of them have been destroyed in fires.
michael hildebrand - 06/13/99 16:33:44
My Email:michael.and.nellie.hildebrand@wxs.nl
was interested in the hildebrand family. I have traced my family roots back till approx 1730. The family has since then lived in the Utrecht - the Netherlands area.
Melanie Cooke Richards - 06/10/99 17:41:39
My Email:mmrichards@earthlink.net
Very interesting site. I spent a lot of time browsing. My grandmother and I researched a different surname for 20 years, which has been in America since 1500. I have now decided to start on the COOKE lineage, beginning with my father, Isaac Thompson COO
E, b. 1 Jul 1917 Carlisle, Cumbria, England, d. 19 Jul 1995 in Orlando, Orange, FL.
Royce Linville McDonald - 06/07/99 22:43:54
My Email:RMcdO4u@aol.com
Hello! I recognize some of the photos as my grandfather Charles Collins Cooke and my Uncle Glenn. I got to your web from the MILTON connection and they have a photo I recognized as my grandmother Hallie Dee Milton Cooke, married to Charles. I am new at
this and don't know what to do now. My sisters and I really want to help with info and somehow we all are related because we have the same photos.
Thank you for any advice. Royce
Royce Linville McDonald - 06/07/99 20:02:26
My Email:RMcDo4U@aol.com
Hello. Great web. I recognize the wedding photo of Uncle Glenn and Aunt Lily. Glenn is my moms brother, her name is Georgia Jean Cooke McDonald. Also, I found you from the photo shown on the MILTON web site of Hallie Dee Milton Cooke. That photo of h
r is my grandmother. I am very new at this and don't know what to do next to connect with anyone. Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Royce McDonald
Royce Linville McDonald - 06/07/99 19:45:19
My Email:RMcDo4U@aol.com
Hello. I found you thru the photo shown at the MILTON web page. That photo of HALLIE DEE MILTON COOKE is my grandmother (and yours too I guess?) I recognize other photos of my Uncle Glenn and his daughter in YOUR web Family Photo Album and the wedding
photo of Uncle Glenn and Lily. The last few days, are the first experience I have with geneology research so I don't know what to do now. The date of death is incorrect on info of Hallie Dee, it is actually on or about Jan. 4, 1972 not 1974. Any respons
would be greatly appreciated. By the way, your page is wonderful. Thanks. Royce
Priscilla Cooke Godwin - 06/07/99 02:14:21
My Email:lgodwin@intrstar.net
I am searching for information on my great great grandfather Ben Cook, his son was James Cook, his son was Andrew McNeill Cook, and my father was James Bartley Cook. Our family is from Harnett
county, Johnston County and Sampson County.
any information would be greatly appreciated.
Priscilla Cooke Godwin - 06/07/99 02:08:15
Cindy Miller - 06/03/99 20:59:03
My Email:crmiller@1stlink.net
My maiden name is Cooke so I was naturally curious. I have very little history of the Cookes, and I didn't find my mom or dad on your site. I think we Cookes are from Colorado.
Saundra Whitcher - 06/03/99 16:14:38
My Email:1carrier@bellsouth.net
I was looking up information on the Hildebrand family (my grandfather on my mom's side). My family's descendants were also from Germany.I may have found some very valuable information. Thanks!
Saundra Whitcher - 06/03/99 16:14:06
My Email:1carrier@bellsouth.net
I was looking up information on the Hildebrand family (my grandfather on my mom's side). My family's descendants were also from Germany.I may have found some very valuable information. Thanks!
Lynne Sani - 06/02/99 04:22:21
My Email:Jldsani@aol.com
I loved your Italy pictures. My Favorite is the flowermarket. What depth, what color. A pure visual delight. Could and should be entered in the Bee's photo Travel contest. Its a winner, and I'm not just saying that cause I'm related!!!
Dale Cooke - 06/01/99 16:16:21
My Email:rcots@ix.netcom.com
Just visited again. Thanks for your labor of love. It is a great gift to us all.
david andrew milton - 05/31/99 16:40:15
My Email:david.a.milton@mail.utexas.edu
I am age 31, married to Elizabeth Busse Milton and Live in Austin, Texas. Father John leslie Milton of Amarillo, Texas.If you have any info on my family I would love to read it.
Kim Hacker - 05/30/99 21:46:05
My Email:jessie@tdi.net
I've been looking for some of my Schmidt family and I hoped you were one of them, but right names wrong times. Thank you for the chance to see your page. Kim Schmidt Hacker
Evelyn (Schroeder) Ramlow - 05/29/99 18:37:50
My URL:http://NONE
My Email:evelyn5@ix.netcom.com
I loved your pages. Looked throught the Hildebrand and e-mailed you.
I thought your pages were well thought out. Very well put together and very informative. Keep up the good work.
B Foulke - 05/29/99 04:54:58
My Email:Mbsara@aol.com
Just browsing so far, but will return for info on Goff.
Matthew Stamey - 05/29/99 01:14:36
My Email:stamey@pacbell.net
I enjoyed it! A reference was made to go to Champaign Usgenweb, but I am not sure what that is!
Thanks MJS
Francis N Cooke, Jr - 05/28/99 18:18:13
My Email:idfrank@aol.com
I am interested in finding out more about my roots. As near as I can figure, my Cooke's came from the Carolinas near Spartanburg. That's about all I know except that Cotton Mather of New England is suppose to be a relative and there is a rumor the name Fr
ncis Cooke has been passed down in the family all the way from the Mayflower.
DeAnn (Childers)Hinson - 05/21/99 12:51:27
My Email:REGIDEE@Worldnet.att.net
Dina Miller - 05/20/99 22:13:19
My Email:enercom@unidial.com
Wonderful webpage! I really enjoyed my visit. I especially loved your backgrounds and midi's. Keep up the great work!
Cynthia Ammerman - 05/20/99 15:27:55
My Email:badass@alltel.net
Your page was very interesting. It inspired me even more to research my Cook ancestors.
Miles Frank Childress - 05/14/99 12:45:27
My URL:http://www.worldnet.att.net
My Email:m.f.childress@worldnet.att.net
I have not been able to connect any of the childress with my family yet
Larry Smith - 05/07/99 16:43:54
My Email:landjsmith@aol.com
Your writeup is wonderful. Thanks so much. My wife and I (she never lets me forget she is thoroubred Italian) took our first trip to Italy about 18 months ago. We feel the same way you do about DAVID! Our trip was a fourteen day guided tour and was fan
astic. I'll keep your story in my file as reference for our return, which we hope will be soon. Write me any time to share thoughts. Thanks again. Larry Smith
Dina - 05/07/99 05:49:12
My Email:Doyenne22@aol.com
Really enjoyed your travelogue of Florence. I'm going in two weeks and you've really aided in getting me excited about the trip.
Debra and Joe - 05/06/99 06:51:34
What a wonderful travel journal, we enjoyed every word and emotion in it. Thank you for a job well done and for information that will be so valuable when we go someday. Grazie Mille, Ciao!
Mariam - 05/05/99 14:18:44
This web page is excellent. You did a fantastic job putting this together. I love the paintings and would hope you place some more in your web site.
Thank you.
Kathy Cook - 04/18/99 01:15:56
My URL:http://www.cookkk.com
My Email:acgs@execulink.com
Great site --- we'll be back --- please visit us
At the village of COOKs KOZY KORNERS -- see Genealogists drop-down window In the Admin. Bldg
Leanne Stubinski - 04/07/99 15:23:55
My Email:leannes@renc.igs.net
I was looking for my grandmother's name somewhere. She was Effie Cooke from England. She married John Stubinski in Renfrew, Ontario. I am interested in finding some of her relatives, as they are mine too. Thank you, leanne Stubinski
Sharon Cook Krise - 02/01/99 01:47:21
My Email:krisisnow@aol.com
Really enjoyed your page. I am looking for information on Francis Henry Cook from Catawba Co., NC. He married Mahalia Annis Little (b. 8/11/1859 in Union Co., GA) and lived in Cherokee Co., NC
Mark samuel Milton - 01/31/99 21:27:52
Great job cousin
CLYDE WILLARD - 01/30/99 02:20:41
My Email:pop-willard@worldnet.att.net
Searching for JANE COOKE, b. 1763, m.
in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va. probably.
Thanks though, your web page is great.
Judy Rountree Mason - 01/07/99 05:26:20
My Email:2jv@bellsouth.net
Beautiful site and well done! My Franklin line last found in Habersham Co. Ga. Just thought I would drop in and read your info...just in case there appeared any possible connections. Thanks for the great site and music. Happy New year from Georgia (Ef
ingham County)!
fred mcleese - 12/06/98 19:49:56
I am also decendant of Andreas (have chart) but
of different line. would like to contact you by
snail mail
Dianne Cook - 10/31/98 19:52:15
My Email:c203@alltel.net
I live inDalton, Ga. I grew up in Milledgeville, Ga. My
paternal grandfther, Emory Speer Cook, Sr. was from Newton County, Ga. relatives suppose to have been originallty from the Carolinas.
john cooke - 10/29/98 19:13:36
My URL:http://...............none.....
My Email:johncooke@tinet.ie
hi fellow cookie,
just by chance I came accross this site.
Yes very interesting,you realy got around Ireland,I am from there in Galway,You would qualify as a tour operator for us here,great tour from the screen.see you againn soon.
john cooke - 10/29/98 19:06:56
Doreen - 10/20/98 01:59:35
My Email:lindor@uswest.net
Wonderful site. Thank you for all of the valuable information. I especially appreciate the documentation you have provided.
By the way, the personal page was interesting and the b/w picture is cute!
G. E. Scott - 10/10/98 21:01:38
My Email:chipman1@aracnet.com
Enjoyed visiting your homepage - great job!
Gary in Oregon
Ann K. Propst - 09/20/98 19:32:59
My Email:annsid@erols.com
Researching Hildebrand and Cook families of NC. Trying to find the connections to my husband's Propst/Killian/Punch lineages. Loved your site. SO EASY to use.
Dale Cook - 09/10/98 07:14:20
My Email:Cook9834@aol.com
Hi Cousin, Just came by to check out all the new things you have added to your page. It looks great!! It is easy to get around in and the new info you have added is sure to help our fellow genealogy researchers. You have a wonderful page!!
Cousin Dale
Jerry W. Little - 08/23/98 23:49:17
My Email:jerrylittle@sprintmail.com
I am also researching the Cook family. My mother was a Cook. I believe her ancestors came from N. C. into Virginia and continued on into KY.
If I can make a connection with your information, I will be in touch. Thanks -- Great Homepage.
Glenda - 08/08/98 03:41:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4423/
My Email:freebird40@geocities.com
The background on your home page is wonderful!!! Enjoyed my visit here. Keep up the great work, you're doing a fantastic job
Penny Black - 07/23/98 03:08:42
My Email:pennbill@ipa.net
Thanks for putting so much time into this. It has been great.
Travis Hildebrand - 07/15/98 19:34:52
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~tehildebrand/index.html
My Email:tehildebrand@mindspring.com
Every thing looks Great
Gale - 07/13/98 16:58:05
My Email:gandy31@aol.com
Hi, Roberta:
I enjoyed going down memory lane with you. Your
joyful experience certainly comes through in your writing. It makes me happy too! By the way, I like the letter that folds into an envelope at the end of your Web page. Pretty Neat! Nice work!!
Dale Cook - 07/10/98 18:26:25
My Email:Cook9834@Aol.com
Hi Cousin. You just keep getting better. You never cease to amaze me. Your web page is great. I really like the cousin page you added. Wish I had the time and talent to make a page that great. Talk to you later. Dale
Dianne Sain - 07/08/98 23:49:35
My Email:DianSain@aol.com
Wow!. Not everybody logs on a to web page and sees themselves. You truly have a knack at this computer stuff. Need you to show me some tricks. I really enjoyed your visit. Hope you can come back in September for the Cook Reunion. I am going to find out t
e date. Last year it was on the 20th. Everytime I look at the pictures, I feel like I am there again. I took my mother-in law over there again last week, just for another look, and she was impressed too. Your page is terrific, keep adding new things.
I like your choice of music.
Cousin Dianne
Lisa Cleversey - 06/26/98 07:15:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5421
My Email:cleversey@geocities.com
Hi Roberta, Just stopped by to see the changes you've made to your site. WONDERFUL job. You've added a lot since my last visit. Also I would like to invite you to join the Heartland Genealogy Society/Webring. For more info on HGS go to;
I'll check back again soon.
A fellow Cook researcher,
Jeanne Miller Bond - 06/23/98 23:09:50
My Email:fbond@earthlink.net
Found your page through Rowan Co. List. Thank you so much for your wonderful pages, Greek music, recipes, genealogy, lighthouses, links. A breath of fresh air...JMB.
Cruton Boy - 06/21/98 14:48:43
My URL:http://onramp113.org/cyberdude
My Email:cyberdude@onramp113.org
Hey Roberta, I came to your page because I heard that you had a link on there to a really good travel page with lots of good pictures from places like Estonia, Scotland, Moscow, Yellowstone, and more. I couldn't find this link! Boy, was I dissapointed!
william r. cook - 06/09/98 00:10:54
My Email:pnkckbc@aol.com
Hi this is anouther cousin . my name is ronnie
i am dale's uncle . he and don have said some nice things about you and your father .don wanted me to meet you whiole you'll were here.sorry i missed that .don said you wanted to come back someday so i'll get anouther chance then. love Ronnie
Linda Avery - 05/22/98 02:29:48
My Email:txsvalley@aol.com
Loved your page! Will be coming back frequently in my search of COOKs in GA and the Carolinas.
charles miller - 05/17/98 02:54:53
My Email:asedai@webtv.net
LOVED the Watherhouse paintings. I have never had a chance to really look at any of his except "Marianna in the South" which is my favorite painting. Found you page on Excite's search engine. If you can give me any links to any other Waterhouse sites, I
would appreciate it.
Tim and Brenda Milton - 05/12/98 17:18:12
My Email:m320tb@earthlink.net
Thanks for the help in finding your website.
It is very interesting, and we really enjoyed it.
We will see you hopefully when you visit
Tim and Brenda Milton
Ludmila Karameros - 05/12/98 16:40:28
My URL:http:// NONE
My Email:karamer@cudept.cis.columbia.edu
Interesting pages - only I had a lot of trouble loading them down. There is some script or something that took over 10 minutes to come in and then the whole thing acted quirky. I have a pretty powerful system and don't usually have too much trouble - bu
I also have the same problem with Litsa's homepage.
Tommy Nesbit - 05/12/98 01:48:50
My Email:majestic@perigee
I don't care so much for some of the wallpaper but I sure like the music box.
Wayne Cook - 04/28/98 06:14:59
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~wtcook/index.html
My Email:wtcook@idirect.com
Hi Lucille,
I see you have been busy, websites are like genealogy they become habit forming and you got the bug. Your'e doing a great job but I still can't get used to your front page background, I feel like it is going to jump out at me any second.
Take Care.
Diana Williams - 04/25/98 16:56:52
My Email:DianainDallas@Prodigy.net
Roberta, I love your web page. We do not connect, but I will come here often to enjoy the beautiful wallpapers and let the music calm my nerves. It is like a trip away from my cares. Thanks.
Carol - 04/22/98 12:43:56
My Email:riverridge@webtv.net
Hi Roberta. I truly enjoyed your photographs. Breathtakingly beautiful. An eeriness and familiarity I can't place; like I've been there before in another time.
Jeanne Wilcox - 04/15/98 23:42:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/2419/
My Email:jmwilcox@ix.netcom.com
I checked out your Schmidt family page. So far, no connections, but what an irony...I used to live in Dixon, CA...a nearby neighbor of Fairfield and Vallejo! Happy hunting!
Stefan Schmidt - 04/15/98 20:31:31
My Email:Saurkrout@aol.com
Very good. Wish I could make a connection. Thanks Stefan Schmidt
Pamela Goff - 04/15/98 20:14:43
My Email:outofahat@aol.com
Was hoping to find a connection to "our" Goff's. Your page looks great! :o) We did find a relative from the internet that sent us pics of my husband's father and grandfather and an uncle or two, as we didn't have any existing photos. Since then they d
not answer any correspondence. Weird, but such is life!
Linda Williams - 04/15/98 12:51:22
My Email:lwilliams@terraworld.net
You have a very nice web page. Lot of info
on it. My surname is Goff, but I didn't see any
names that looked familier to me. Will visit often.
Janice Mauldin Castleman - 04/15/98 12:49:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/janicekmc/index.htm
My Email:castle96@flash.net
Beautiful page!
Roger Gleitz - 04/15/98 12:36:10
My URL:http://www.netpointe.com/users/gleitz/roger/
My Email:gleitz@netpointe.com
Liked your Scottish Page. I also visited there a few years ago. Looking for Schmidt in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and Germany.
Michael Schmidt - 04/15/98 11:53:54
My Email:fmschmidt@aol.com
I'm glad to see that someone has finally put up a Schmidt web page. Unfortunately I didn't find a connection with my family tree.
One suggestion I would make would be to change your font color on the Schmidt page. Reading it through AOL was difficult due to the pale color.
Keep up the good work and good luck.
Tam'e - 04/11/98 01:03:10
My Email:stylinat149@earthlink.net
Hey Roberta,
I finally got to hear the music on your web page. It sounds great! I definately will need your help to put my page together. Yours is wonderful!<{:0)
Wally Lama Again - 03/24/98 01:42:17
My Email:simsw@ix.netcom.com
Still looking for music. However this time I connected at 56K. Makes a lot of difference. Well worth the extra $5 bucks a month as far as I am concerned. Will try to download the program you mentioned.
Jus'Stylin" - 03/23/98 23:13:05
Hey RobertA,
Loved the pictures of Scottish castles and the family. Keep adding more!!!
Wally Sims - 03/22/98 22:48:07
My Email:simsw@ix.netcom.com
Very nice. However my sound is not working to your page. What program do you use???
ed_rios - 03/22/98 15:18:45
My Email:enchilada@jps.net
Hey, that was great! did you have to use any special programs to compile the webpage? did you have to learn special 'language' to write the program for the page display? good job! there's a couple things i had questions about....about your page link, me &
my family....unless i missed something, was it supposed to be blank? also, i didn't understand the format/layout of the genealogy page(s)...oh well, probably me; otherwise it was great
Donna Cook Freeman - 03/19/98 07:59:17
My URL:http://www.compassrosegardens.com
My Email:donna@monitor.net
Beautiful pages, but I could not get your photograph page to load. I will try again later.
Glenski - 03/18/98 02:26:26
Like your Scottish page and the pictures, you are really getting good Lucy.
Glenski - 03/16/98 19:40:23
I LIKE it!
Gale Anderson - 03/15/98 02:55:17
My Email:pil589@community.net
Hi Roberta... I'm very proud of you! What a nice web page. I think it is very special to trace your roots and enjoy doing it the way you do. Keep up the good work.
Joan Bartay - 03/13/98 06:22:07
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~jmbartay/
My Email:jmbartay@juno.com
I love your colorful flowers. I wish your name
had been spelled Melton. Have you looked at my 3 pages. Click on Melton, which is page 2, and take a look.
Bob Cook - 03/12/98 22:08:41
My Email:BobDarlaCook@Juno.com
Wayne Cook - 03/12/98 19:35:31
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~wtcook/index
My Email:wtcook@idirect.com
Hi Roberta aka Lucille, just thought I would drop in an sign your guestbook, where's the tea and cookies. Don't forget those projects and glad to see you added the link to Ellie's page. Take care.
Carol Urban - 03/12/98 16:57:08
My Email:riverridge@webtv.net
I enjoyed your website and the various links. I don't think my family is related to yours, though. All our Cooks stayed in Virginia/West Virginia. Will visit your site again just to read updates. Thanks.
Ms. Gray Harmon - 03/12/98 16:42:59
My Email:GrayHarmon@aol.com
Great job! Really enjoyed it, even though we don't connect in any way that I can see!
Sue Roe - 03/12/98 16:37:25
My Email:SueMHR@aol.com
Very nice Roberta! I wish I knew how to do it!
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