Welcome to my Genealogy Poetry Corner
The poems on this page were created by me, and my cousin Dale. They pertain to our genealogy research. I hope you enjoy them! Please do not copy them, or cut and paste them into any of your documents, until you get written permission from the author. Thank you.
I can't quite explain what started me to look for historical information on our Family Cooke But I asked many questions of my dad, that very day "Who are my relatives, what's the Family Bible say?" With eager pen and paper I started to write down All the names of ancestors that we had just found. So one hot day in August I turned on my PC to see what I could find on this Carolina family. Much to my surprise I found alot of Cookes all looking for their lineage in web pages and in books "Are you my cousin? Will you exchange with me? I think you are connected to the same family tree!" So I started posting on newsgroups and email and that is what lead me to find my cousin Dale Of all the things I've learned of my Cooke family line He is without a doubt my most treasured find. I never knew about him or he about me But now we search together and trace our genealogy We have found our ancestors on records and in graves And it makes us wonder How their life was in those days Their lives mean more to us than just a record of names Their memory is alive Their blood is in our veins We are happy to know them in this strange and distant way For without them ever living we would not be here today.
by Roberta Cooke Schmidt
These next two poems were written about our great great grandparents, Mary Caroline Hildebrand Cook, and her husband Aaron E. Cook.
Caroline Such a sadness it seems that is in her eyes She was so strong a woman, not given to surprise Perhaps somehow she knew her life would be cut short But to hear her complain, she was not that sort Her life was hard then, for it was a hard time But she raised two sons that turned out just fine She worked from sunup till well into the night And to Aaron, she was a beautiful sight She would never quit when the times were tough And when Aaron left for war she knew it would be rough She kissed him and watched as he walked away And told him she loved him, what else could she say? With tears in her eyes she watched her man As he walked down the road would she see him again? Every once and a while a letter she would receive She would hang on each word and then she would grieve For the friends he would tell her that died that day And for their families that were so far away It would tear her apart to sit there alone And wonder if her man would ever come home So she tried to stay busy and think of other things But that is the terror that a war often brings She prayed for it to be over, this awful war And her husband to come home for he was so far Then she got the news on, that horrible day He was wounded and captured, where they did not say All they could tell her is that he was not dead But what she feared is what the letter had not said How long would they hold him? Till after the war? And where would they hold him? Was it near or far? Could she go to see him? Was that allowed? And whom could she ask this she cried out loud She tried to stay strong, while her world fell apart Would he die in this prison? It burned in her heart Friends and family gathered for support As she waited patiently for any report When finally the word came, the war was done! The fighting was over, the North had won. She watched every day for him to come home Days turned to weeks it seemed so long Then one day as she watched, along he came So tired and so frail, not looking the same She ran to meet him and to hold him so tight To her, in this world, was not a more beautiful sight Through the years their love blossomed, as a flower it grew They were hardly apart and she always knew That no matter what happened, he would never leave again She gave him two sons that helped him work the land And this woman she was a good wife and good mother They all worked and they played and they loved each other But the sickness that took her to an early grave Would rob them of time but the memories, they would save And they knew that one day they would see her again And kiss her and hug her and hold to her hand For this woman she loved God, family and friends And for this woman they all loved, their love never ends For such a strong woman, mother and wife She lived as God wanted a prosperous life But her story, for me, is still frozen in time This Great Great Grandmother I know as our Caroline By Dale Cook
The Battle
Yesterday I left to go to war My bride I did leave behind This war that everyone was proud to fight Yet it still was not clear in my mind If today's fight would resolve the problems That were between the North and the South The blood that would have to be spilt Could not be settled by word of mouth But I am prepared to do my duty today Whatever that it may be This war between brothers and kin Will surely go down in history As we prepare for the battle that is ahead We prepare for the battle within Lord be with all of us this day Please do not let me face a friend I walk around and as I do I look at the faces of my friends Will I see them tomorrow at the end of the day? In a war it seems that no one wins And what of my wife, home all alone Will ever I see her sweet face again? And look into the eyes that melt my heart Or be able to hold to her gentle hand As the bugler sounds and we arise To greet this brand new day Will it be the last that we have? Have we said all we have to say? As the day goes on and the enemy is spotted And the sound of charge is given We hear the firing of guns ahead As onward we are driven I watch as friends all around me Fall and their last breath is drawn And onward we go into the battle We fight until the daylight is gone When the darkness falls we gather our dead For the enemy has pulled back And those of us that are still alive Cannot even remember the attack But we all are speechless at what we see In the moonlight the dead lie all around Soldiers from both sides lie motionless there Upon this once peaceful ground Many battles like this one I was going to see Before this war was through I would be wounded and captured and sent to prison Before returning to the land that I knew There were many that did never return In this war that was between the States And I will never forget that first awful day And of my friends and of their terrible fates by Dale Cook
As I awoke from a dream at the start of this day I thought of a special place I had not seen since May I remembered with fondness blue Carolina skies But today the thought of it brought tears to my eyes I realized what special occasion I was missing today And thought of all my Cook Cousins so many miles away As I sit on the sand of this California beach I feel quite alone and so far out of reach They have gone to celebrate as one united family in a place called Casar to honor Edward's memory They'll talk about the family tree from which son they descend and all I can think about is that I could not attend I can think of nothing else for my cousins are so dear I've already started making plans to be with them next year Roberta Cooke Schmidt
Have you ever wondered where our Grandfathers came from? And what their lives were like from day to day? Have you ever wanted to go back in time? And hear what they might have to say? I long now to hear stories about them And stories about their family The struggles they went through, their trials And triumphs, for this is our history So we search together, my cousin and I she loves The search as much as I do. In books and libraries and courthouses we go Looking for just one little clue To find what we can on these Grandfathers of ours And understand what their lives might be A glimpse of the past in these pages we find A glimpse of what used to be For no better time than the present we think To look for things from the past We collect these things that we hold dear And we hope that it all will last. So those who come after us may be able to see Our Grand fathers as we do And then maybe some day descendants of ours Will look for their grandfathers too. by Dale Cook
Many years ago an ancestor of mine Stood on a ship across the sea As he stood and looked across the waters He wondered at the great mystery The mystery that lay ahead of him In that land on the other shore That new and exciting land Where few had gone before He pondered on what that land held for him In the days that were to come And he thought about his future there While he watched the setting of the sun And while the waves brushed the bow of the ship And the ship set out to sea He thought of his new home over there And the beginning of his family He would seek him a mate that loved as he did The things that mattered most in life Together they would build a family, a home This man and his loving wife He would raise his family in that land over there To be brave, be strong and be true To have faith in our Lord above And always be willing to do The task that be given them No matter how difficult it be And always be true to their word And to their own history And now as I sit here I can't help but wonder What their stories just might be The troubles and trials that they went through And their battles to be free I am thankful now for the heritage they left And for the name we all are so proud And for the life that they gave us And for the time that we are allowed by Dale Cook
Brick Wall Something stands before me it hinders my progress I cannot go any further it is causing me distress My family tree is stunted it's growth stopped suddenly I'm stuck on this fine ancestor and who his parents must be I have looked through every cranny every corner, every nook, I've looked through all the records in every courthouse, every book The farther back I try to dig the less I seem to find Just one more date or record please before I lose my mind! There is no real proof to be found no fine parents for this lad just a lot of speculation and assumption to be had I cannot seem to jump or climb this intimidating brick wall How can I overcome it when it stands so sure and tall? There seems to be only one thing that is left for me to do I will dig a tunnel under the wall that I can crawl right through No stone is left unturned as I dig with all my might I use my shovel wisely I do research day and night So I keep my attitude positive that soon will come the day that needed piece of information will surely come my way Down the brick wall comes it crumbles to pieces at last I have found a precious piece to the puzzle of my past! But once I find that record I've been searching earnestly will I give up my research on my growing family tree? There goes another brick wall where the other used to stand but that is fine with me I have my shovel in my hand!!! by Roberta Schmidt
The Nameless
There is a deep curiosity A strong desire to learn Among genealogists like me For untold stories we yearn Who are the well-dressed people In this collection of photographs? Their faces are expressive Yet no one smiles or even laughs They are so quiet and somber As they are sitting silently To capture a moment in time The photographer waits patiently Photographs of the nameless Someone's family unidentified To solve the great unknown For years we have tried Their faces speak volumes Of their lives and their fame But so much is still hidden What is their family name? They are strangers on a tintype With no history of their own Just a moment in a lifetime Their faces fixed like stone We all ask the same questions Who is this lady sitting there? With a gentlemen at her side And a bonnet in her hair Who is the darling little child Who sits on his father's knee? His brother and his sister Belong to someone's family tree They are somebody's kinfolk Once full of life and zest Now forgotten and nameless On faded photographs in a chest We love to gaze at their faces And maybe one day we will see Their true stories revealed Their names no longer a mystery By Roberta Cooke Schmidt
Do you have any genealogy poetry you would like to share? I would love to hear from you. Please email me at tps914@aol.com
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