This site is no longer being updated...please click the link below to be taken to the my website's new home: The Path Back
Like most others who have been bitten by the genealogy bug I hope to trace my ancestry back as far as possible. In doing that, I also hope to discover as much about these people as possible. The more we can discover about our ancestors lives and happenings, the closer we are to better knowing them. Our ancestry is much more colourful and interesting if we can not only find out who they were and when they lived, but also how they lived, what they did, and even how they died. This last bit could even prove to be valuable medical information for some of our own descendants at some future date. There is one other reward a person receives while researching their genealogy...thats all the new friends, and new old friends, that one acquires along the way.
My ancestry stems from Sweden and Northern Ireland. The Swedish research has been very productive so most of my efforts have been directed that way. I actually got back to the mid-1500's on three of the Swedish branches...very rewarding and interesting! However, all that success on the Swedish side has meant that the Irish side has been rather neglected. Recently I've began to make progress on the Irish side as well and the information shown here will be updated as I progress.
The Swedish ancestors were in the areas of Dalsland, Jamtland and Västernorrland, with many on the island of Alnön
The Irish ancestors lived just west of Lough Neagh, in the towns of Moneymore and Cookstown.
And now, just for fun...
Canada's Yukon Territory
I spent 4 years in the Yukon, living in both Clinton Creek and then in Whitehorse. It's an area which holds many fond memories for me. In fact I first met my wife in Dawson City and we were later married in Whitehorse, the Yukon's capital city. Your opportunity awaits to Explore Canada's Yukon.
Yukoner reaches milestone!
British Columbia
Canada's westernmost province...also where I grew up. Bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Rocky Mountains. Learn more of British Columbia or my hometown of Merritt, situated in the Nicola Valley.
Read the latest news from Merritt.
Edmonton, Alberta
Edmonton has been home since leaving the Yukon in 1976. The provincial capital, it straddles the banks of the North Saskatchewan river. See Edmonton now?
Here are some favourite pictures from our photo album.
Genealogy Links
Brother's Keeper is a Windows genealogy program that will help you organize your family history information and let you print a large variety of charts and reports.
GED2HTML a utility program for producing HTML hypertext versions of genealogical data directly from gedcom files.
Finally...Genealogy Graphics
Good quality graphics for use in genealogy have been hard to find. Check out Chris Stern's site on the link won't be dissapointed.
A mailing list for anyone researching their Swedish ancestry. To subscribe go to:
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the