Hello and welcome to my little space on the web.  This page is just for fun and to prove to no one but myself that I could do this so, I decided to put up a few things that encompass my life and the world around me.
Hope you enjoy your visit and thanks for stopping by.

After 14 + years I have decided to leave C.Y.S.C. I just need to be home with my family at night. It is still a good company and I would recommend it to anyone just starting out. You can click on the link right below this message to go to their site. Much love to all those I have come to know.

Ages 5 through 14+ Cheer, Dance, Drill & for 9 and up Short Flag & Tall Flag also Baton (in some areas). It's a blast!! They perform in Parades, Storm Baseball, their own Showcases & Competitions throughout the year.

<One of our 1st place
Intermediate teams.

Some of our 7 & 8 year olds on the move at a parade.>

Tiger Jam 2002

The other collection is from Windstone their official website is under Construction at this time but if you click on the male peacock dragon this place is the best site I've seen for Windstone yet

I also Love Dragons! I will be adding some cool links soon. I have recently started two collections (both gifts)  One is Pocket Dragons *they're so adorable*  Click on "very quiet" to go to their great website