Remember 11 Sep 2001

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"America Medley"
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We are glad you could come by for a visit. My name is Art. Our home here in Huntington, WV is made up of my wife, Barbara and myself, as well as our M and M "twins" Misty and Molly. Misty is our six year old Brindle (Calico) cat. We rescued Misty from the local animal shelter when she was 6 weeks old. Molly is our newest addition to the family. She is a six year old pure-bred Bronze Nose Beagle that we took in as a stray in August 1997 as a three-year old. Molly has become our official greeter because of her affectionate and loving temperment and is also the originator of the "Molly Diet Plan". This diet plan consists of Molly jumping up on my lap every time I tried to snack while watching television. By doing this and positioning her paws on my shoulders and her nose in my face begging for part of the snacks caused me to lose 28 pounds. Thank you Molly, you have successfully weaned me of between meal snacks!

Molly doesn't do what she did before after becoming accustomed to her new home, but the Molly Diet Plan lives on. Over two years ago, on March 15, 1998, I did something that I hadn't done in over 20 years. I tipped the bathroom scales at 195 pounds. Now I have a whole "new" wardrobe that has been patiently waiting for me all these years.

We now have added several more critters to our household. Several weeks ago, a pair of mourning doves made a nest in a decorative basket full of artificial vines hanging from a beam of the roof of our side patio. Barbara named the couple Lovey and Dovey. We could watch their comings and goings from our kitchen window. Misty can sit at the kitchen window for hours and watch them bringing food to the little ones.

So come on in and visit with us for awhile and meet our wonderful and unique family. Just click on Molly's banner below to enter our "Home" and meet the Cloninger Family"!

Family Friendly Site Touch of Love Safe Site Award SafeSurf Rated All Ages

Candles across America Campaign for NATO soldiers

Put an End to School Violence!
Put an end to School Violence!

Dear Arthur,

The web site, Imagine, on behalf of Lady Care, is presenting The Miracle Award to you, Arthur Cloninger, in appreciation for what you give to others so naturally. Here is what she had to say:

"I would love to have your Miracle Award sent to Arthur Cloninger. Art's site is a wonderful example of what "True Love" is all about. His site not only tells the story of his love for his wife but has so much wonderful information about his life there, that you will feel like you know him personally after one visit.

As well, Art is such a wonderful caring person that I feel he not only deserves the award, but has earned it a hundred times over. He constantly sends out wonderful and inspiring urls to visit and share with friends."

Wishing you serenity,

The Miracle Award

Heartland's Golden Heart Award

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discontinued. The above graphic is to let you know that
my home page was honored by that great program.

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This page last updated by Arthur Cloninger on November 5, 2001.