to the

Santa Clarita Valley Mothers Of Twins Club

The SCVMOTC was founded in Valencia, California in 1973. Ours is an organization of support and we hope you'll join us in sharing information and enjoying the kinship we all have as being mothers of multiples.

Our club's members are from the Santa Clarita Valley, including: Valencia, Saugus, Newhall, Castiac, and Canyon Country, as well as, Acton, Agua-Dulce, Palmdale and parts of the San Fernando Valley.

As a member, our club offers you:

Monthly Meetings (We try to maintain a mix of informative/educational meetings and fun/social meetings.)
Clothing and equipment sales at most meetings.
A monthly newsletter.
Various programs. Some for support and some for fun.
Field trips and excursions for families.
Membership in the Southern California Mothers of Twins Clubs and the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs.

April & May 2009's Calendar

The SCVMOTC meets once a month (on the second Thursday of each month) usually in one of our member's homes. These meetings are for our moms and moms-to-be only, but there are activities available throughout the month for families and every once in a while, a night out for parents only!

Some items on this month's calendar:

Easter Party and Egg Hunt, Sunday, April 5th, at the Bayliss Home
New Member's Tea, Saturday, April 18th, at the home of Niki Hyer

Toddler Playgroup, Tuesday, May 5th at Jennifer Adelini's home

May Meeting, May 14th at the home of ?

Southern CA Mother of Twins Convention, May 15-17th, Laguna Hills Holiday Inn

Information Available On The Web

At These Sites We've Found!

Our OnLine Bookstore

Books you might find interesting

Some books we've used that you might consider

Children's books for and about twins

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and tell us something special about your multiples!

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Thanks for stopping by. We hope you'll visit us again soon.

If you'd like more information about our club, please contact us at: Santa Clarita Valley MOTC

Or, if you'd like to advertise in our newsletter, please contact us at: SCVMOTC Newsletter

© 1997

Member of the Southern California Mothers of Twins Club

NOMOTC Member Banner

SNIN Friendly Award

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