The Jewish Genealogical Institute of
British Columbia
#300-950 West 41st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7
Telephone: 604-321-9870

The Jewish Genealogical Institute of British Columbia was founded in 1992 to bring together people interested in pursuing their Jewish family history.
A non-profit organization, run through the voluntary efforts of its members, the institute works to encourage genealogical research; to collect and disseminate information on genealogical resources and techniques; to assist and educate its members and the general public in the "how-to's" of finding one's Jewish roots; and to promote the preservation of and access to Jewish records and resources.
Contrary to popular belief, Many Jewish records exist in the United States, Europe and Israel. In recent times much information has emerged from Eastern Europe.
The key to effectively unravelling one's roots is knowing what sources of information exist, where and how to find them.
Let the Jewish Genealogical Institute of British Columbia help!

Membership in the Jewish Genealogical Institute of British Columbia is open to all regardless of religious affiliation or level of experience. Our members range from those hoping to start tracing their family background to long-time family researchers.
Dues are $30 a year for individuals and $45 a year for a family (two persons in the same household). For those living outside the Vancouver area, dues are $20 a year. Support at higher levels (Contributing and Sponsor memberships) helps JGIBC expand its services, and is greatly appreciated.
Membership benefits include:
Monthly meetings - workshops at all levels - Videos - Lectures
Kits - Beginners - Intermediate
Help, advice and linkage to others searching their roots
Out-of-town members receive kits and help by correspondence
Yearly all-day seminars to be conducted at various locations in B.C.

Meetings are held September to June, generally on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Varying programs feature guest lecturers, workshops, roundtable discussions, or field trips, and always offer the opportunity to network informally, ask questions, and learn from others. Visitors are welcome to attend.
Beginners' Workshop

Taught by experienced genealogists
The Institute cannot do research for individuals, but will gladly provide advice and information on appropriate resources, or the names of professional researchers.
The Jewish Genealogical Institute of British Columbia is a member of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS), an umbrella group representing more than 65 societies worldwide.

The Jewish Genealogical Institute of British Columbia has an extensive collection of genealogical research books, journals, maps, microfiche and reader housed in the Isaac Waldman Jewish Public Library at the Jewish Community Centre, 950 West 41st Avenue in Vancouver.
Additional genealogical resource material and access to genealogical websites is available in the "Nemetz Archival Research Room" located within the Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia on the third floor of the Jewish Community Centre. A member of the Jewish Genealogical Institute of BC (JGIBC) is available every Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm for consultation.
The B.C. Cemetery Finding Aid

The British Columbia Cemetery Finding Aid is a pointer database consisting of the surnames, cemetery name and location of more than 100,000 entries associated with 141 cemeteries in British Columbia and one in Washington, U.S.A. It includes the Jewish cemeteries.
Links to other sites on the Web
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) meets for its 29th International Conference ( August 2-7, 2009
JewishGen -The Official Home of Jewish Genealogy
Jewish Genealogical Society of Canada (Toronto)
The Jewish Historical Society of Western Canada
B.C.Archives - Births, Deaths and Marriages On-Line
B.C. Genealogy Society
B.C. GenWeb Project
Jewish Genealogical Society (S. Alberta)

JGS of Montreal

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