Bridget Oskolkoff - 06/01/99 04:25:03 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: No Where are you now?: Kodiak Alaska Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: Yes Are you one of Agrafena's Children?: Married to one | Comments: Enjoyed reading your pages. Find this family very interesting and always being surprised to discover new "relatives" around here. |
Aunt Betty - 04/03/99 21:58:33 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: 1/2 time!!!!!!!! Where are you now?: K-Beach Rd. Kenai Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: born there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you one of Agrafena's Children?: Yes | Comments: Hi Wayne-thanks for signing my guesstbook----not quiet sure what I, doing yet with this machine-but sure is fun!Am on my way to Nin. for Palm Sun services -My Easter is next week-we're also having midnite servise there-sent James a card-mailed it to Spoka e address is that right?--Love to all ----Aunt Betty-& yes I will save you some fresh king-when are you coming-& who? |
Jerry Byrne - 02/06/99 02:55:15 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: yes Referred by: Jamie Leman | Comments: I would like to get a copy of Agrafena's Children for the school library. My wife Susie( the librarian)and I have taught here for 16 years.Our library burnt down not to long ago, and it would be a great addition to the school to have this book. Thanks yo for your time. Jerry Byrne |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Cindy - 09/30/98 03:56:02 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: no Where are you now?: Florida Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: not yet! | Comments: Very helpful site! I'm all set to marry a Jackinsky next month(Jason, son of Shawn/grandson of Walter). I was searching for a little history on the family and Ninilchik and boy did I find it! Thanks! |
Esther Errington - 02/13/98 02:20:22 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: no Where are you now?: Orange city, IA Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: yes | Comments: Hi, Dad, I'm impressed with your page. I found it through uncle Loren's page,but I know I can go to it by itself also. Love ya much, esther |
Suzzi Nash - 01/11/98 01:48:51 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: no Where are you now?: Florida Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: no Are you one of Agrafena's Children?: no Referred by: Wayne Leman | Comments: Your site is terrific!!! Love the pictures!!! Love the links!!! Love you!!! |
Jacquelyn Canoose - 01/10/98 19:50:07 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: no Left in 1964 Where are you now?: Soldotna Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!! Are you one of Agrafena's Children?: My children are Referred by: Nadia E. Oskolkoff, my daughter | Comments: Wayne, I have been collecting information and Russian artifacts and items for my children since they were born (Nadia, James, Anthony, Aaron). I have tried to hold onto their heritage for them and have told them what stories I have learned and took them o the village every year. I taught them to be proud of who they are. I am so happy to see so much information on the family! I have been collecting info. for my grandchildren since they were born, also. Thank you for your work, but more importantly, t at you are willing to share. Jacquelyn |
Lynda Kvasnikoff - 01/02/98 14:36:12 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: yes Are you one of Agrafena's Children?: by marriage | Comments: Looks better each time I visit. Good job Wayne. |
Wayne Leman - 12/26/97 21:48:06 My URL:/Heartland/Hills/4416 My Do you live in Ninilchik?: used to Where are you now?: Montana Have you ever visited Ninilchik?: yes, lived there Are you one of Agrafena's Children?: yes Referred by: myself | Comments: Is this guestbook working? Wayne |