* The Snofox Homepage * Featuring Foxcove Toy Poodles & Snowcrest Maltese

If you are looking for a Maltese Puppy visit here or here where the Snowcrest line is still being carried on.

*As of 1999 we no longer raise Toy Poodles, but we will gladly refer you to other reputable breeders.*

~Please scroll down below our story to see the current e-mail address. Thank you! :)

Our 10 year dream to raise Toy Poodles became a reality in 1989. Beginning with two Champion sired dogs, and a great love in our hearts for the breed, we embarked on a journey which has produced more satisfaction and challenges in every area of our lives than we could ever have thought possible. In 1993, at our daughter's request, we added the Maltese to our growing family.

Since our humble beginnings on that warm, momentous October afternoon, we have had the honor and privilege of placing well over 100 puppies, youngsters and adults in families residing across both the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan as well as 12 other states and two islands of the U.S. and Canada.

Our greatest joy is in watching our puppies grow and develop into such meaningful members of so many new families. Receiving cards, letters, and photos with updates of their comical antics, newly learned behaviors, and robust health brings us a satisfaction like no other. How fortunate we are to have been a part in helping to create these offspring who provide so much love, laughter and enjoyment.

In the following pages, you will view photos of many of our puppies and dogs, some of whom stayed with us and many others who traveled great distances to their new homes.

Alabama, California, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin have all become the home state of some of our Poodle and Maltese offspring. If anyone had told us that through our love of these two adorable and charming breeds, we would be meeting so many wonderful people from around the United States, and Canada, we surely would never have believed them !

Poodle Pedigree Info
Maltese Pedigree Info
Dog lovers & breeders Homepages
Other excellent Dog sites

Links to other sites on the Web:

The Wonderful World of Poodles
Poodles Poodles Poodles
All About Birds
Maltese Only Photo Album

Hope you enjoyed your visit. For information about our AKC Reg. Maltese, please contact us by e-mail.

Copyright 1997 snowcrestmaltese@chartermi.net
Last updated 01/14/09

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