Let's play BALL

Michel he lives in Abilene and studies PE at Hardin-Simmons

He is getting into computers and just "stole" mine,
which is great, because I got a brandnew one!!!
He plays anything involving any kind of round bouncing object!!!(don't go there!!!!) Michel is also getting into photography! If I ever get my scanner to work I'll put a sample on this page.
Recently he introduced us to


she plays volleyball and is very good looking, we like her a lot

Sorry girls! :(

This is private!!!

Update 06

Michel and Nicki are married and have produced three beautiful boys - Cade,Caleb and Cason. Both Michel and Nicki graduated from Hardin-Simmons University and are livig in Navasota, Texas

Michel is a lineman and Nicki is a Physical Education Teacher, Head Girls Basketball Coach and Head Track Coach at Montgomery Junior High School!

Now if someone would just tell them where the "reply" button is on their e-mail program!!!!!!!

Keep the balls rolling

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