Texas Moods

The Story of the Bluebonnet

Paradise in Texas

The devil was given permission one day
To make him a land for his own special sway.
He put thorns on all the bushes and trees
And mixed up the sand with millions of fleas.
He scattered tarantulas along all the roads,
Put spines on the cactus and horns on the toads.
He lengthened the horn of the Texas steer
And added a foot to the jack rabbit's ear.
He put three devils in every bronco steed
And poisoned the feet of the centipede.
The rattlesnake bites you, the scorpion stings,
The mosquito torments you buzzing his wings.
The heat in the summer is a hundred and ten,
Too hot for the devil and too hot for men.
And all who remained in that climate soon bore
Cuts, bites , stings, scratches and blisters galore.

Saga of the Sagebrush
by Ed Eakin

As silver sagebrush, blowing, sifting sand
Lay sloping gently to Red River's stream,
A cry of winter geese in swift command,
Broke hauntingly upon this placid scene.
My feet trudged down the ancient sagebrush trail,
I wandered bitter desolation's child;
A pilgrimage I sought for conscience sake
To still my soul. And in this winter wild
Unfettered place, I found release. The chains
That chaffed my heart, instead began to break
And set me free; my bitterness, absolved
In tears, rolled off, and in its place a peace
That melted hatred, discontent dissolved
While sand and sagebrush buried all my grief.

The 'Bob' Wire Fence
by Ed Eakin

The devil take the bob wire fence,
Every strand from here to glory,
And dump 'em in the lake of fire
Or something just as sorry!
I used to ride a hundred miles
'Cross rolling plain and prairie,
Without one cussed bob wire gap
To make a cowpoke weary.
But, bob wire here and bob wire there
As sharp and just as wicked
As cactus spines or chaparral
And doggone twice as sticky.
Don't tie your horse to a bob wire fence,
Or rope near its forked prong,
Or snip a strand in two unless
You want to get in wrong.
Digging post holes all day long
Ain't my thought of a cowboy's chore,
But following a herd from sun to sun
Like I've done many times a 'fore.
Well, bob wire's here to stay, I 'speck
And no cowboy's gonna change 'em,
Just ride the fence and swat the flies
And let the bob wired range 'em.


November 97

Friends without Faces

If Seuss.....


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