updated June 2008
Ken (Australia)Ken is an absolutely fearless man - the only thing that may make him shiver, the worse thing I can do to him, is tell the world the truth about him, that he really is a very very nice and caring guy! With more persistance then anyone, he past a tough screening and I'm really glad he did. :)
He has a real love for Australia - sounds as proud as any Texan does of Texas - of course everything is better, bigger and more awesome over there!
He's the only one who consistently gives my brain a work out and never lets me get away with anything. His memory is unbelievable and nothing slips by him.
Ken and I got married Sep. 4th 1999!!!!
KatNot sure where to start on you .... how long has it been? Wayyyyy back in Cove... 1980.... our boys used to play together, then the Army send us in different directions and we lost touch, then we found each other back in Cove when..... was it 84/85? Too bad you had to move away again, but at least we've kept in touch ever since... sure could use someone to get me off my duff and into the gym the way you used to!!!!! :)
Kat came to visit us Nov 2005!!!!
RobinRobin's most important role at the moment is being grandma to Nicholas. He's one lucky little boy:) She makes sure I get my spelling right too..... a full time job! lol
LisaLisa is forever complimenting me on crafty things.... gives me the get up and go to finish them.. now when are we going to see pictures of YOUR finished projects?????:)
CherylCheryl is another "old" Cove friend. Thank you for all your help when I had to move
JoyceJoyce is a friend I have made surfing the cross stitch boards. We exchanged TX patterns and just kept in touch , talking about Texas and all sorts of things.
Joyce and her daughter Carol came to visit us here last months ( Oct 2006)!!!!Joyce is just as wonderful as I thought she'd be , would love her as a neighbour.
SusieSusie is the first friend I made in Australia - on line of course, but I wish she'd be living next door. She checked out my old place not long ago and here's what she has to say in her own words: "I fell in love with Texas, especially the 'Riverwalk' in San Antonio. Made some wonderful friends, Drove like a crazy... often on the wrong side of the road, LOL Saw lots of Armadillos, Squirrels, and Deer, actually held a Snake, for first time in my life...lol Went crazy at 'Walmart' LOL.. Had lots of unforgettable experiences, Halloween, Thanksgiving.... etc... Went to a Country music concert, a Rodeo, a Country Night Club.. Wowwww.... the list is endless... LOL Regretably... missed out on visiting Georgia, Carolina, Tennesee (Memphis)... this time, but that just gives me a good reason for another trip...LOL....... I do want to see a lot more........ And I'm still practicing my " Southern Drawl " LOL......
Susie's again exploring parts of the US!!! Have fun!!!!!
CitySometimes life suprises us. Things we don't
think are possible happen. I'm glad they did - it was a long, hard road! When I needed you , you where there. Thank you, city!<
Wendy and RichardWe met Wendy and Richard while "working" at the Woodcrafter's Cottage - showing off the scroll saw. Little did we know they'd become friends and how much fun and laughter they'd bring into our lives.
LindaLinda is a wiz with newsgroups and keeps me up to date on everything to do with computers. The first picture I ever received through e-mail was Linda's! She finds the best "funnies" and keeps me laughing.
GladysGladys should get the official title "Best yard sale shopper" she always surprises us with some wonderful little finds. She also finishes other people's UFO's.... so if you have anything stashed in a closed.... send me an e-mail and I'll let her know.
LaurieLaurie has managed to hang in with me almost from the very begining of my cyberlife. She works for a veterinarian, has a great love for the theater and is and endless source of great stories. She also helped me through a rough time with our pet, don't know what I would have done without her. Thank you , Laurie. I hope that from now on life will treat you to a lot of sunshine!
Silvia I know Silvia from way back when there was still a server called WOW. Back then we had a german channel. Wow is long gone and I am very sad to say, that most of the folks I knew choose AOL and I don't get to see them much anymore. :(
Silvia tries hard to get me into trouble!!!!! ;)
Update Nov 98: Silvia is hitting the books - so finally I'm safe - no more trouble coming from her
Update April 2000:
Silvia's still hitting the books and somehow she found time to send me a care package with US goodies! Thanks for that Silvia! :)
Update Oct 2004:
Silvia is our official shopper now...... keeps us going :)
mIRC God, computer wiz and PhotographerTricksta taught me what I know about mIRC - bet he is sorry he did - mIRC has never been the same since!
Update: He's alive and well - just graduated! Congratulations, Tricksta! Hope you get that million dollar job soon :)
Update Oct 98: He's been here again - seems he has to rescue me every few months :). Hmm, wonder if my computer breaks down just to give him a reason to visit?
Thanks Trick :)
Update Dec 2002: Trick and Georgina had a Baby Boy! Congratulations! :)
Update Nov 2006: Trick and family are living in London now. :)
WesWe know each other a long time now and a lot has happened in that time. For a while I thought I'd never see you or hear from you again. Now you're back and kicking! You kept your promise to help me with my computer even tho you really don't have spare time. I don't know how you do it all, Wes - your kids are very lucky to have you for a Dad.
Thank you!
Update Now 2006: Wes didn't have to "guru" too much lately, but he still answers those SOS calls :)
No matter what, in my heart Puzzler will always be my cyberson. He outdid his brothers when it came to son-duties. He kept me entertained with his great sense of humor and little beeps each day. He wasn't just a son, he was my best friend, the best friend I ever had. Once he wrote that he would never let me down, that he would be there no matter what.
I wish you all the happiness in the world. I hope you will remember the Christmas cards with your family's pictures you promised me! :)
"when the whole world lets you down, just remember......."
We have met in real life!!! As a bonus I got to meet Tricia too and she is a beautiful girl. Those two are made for each other - a perfect fit.
Well, Son.... it's been a year now... second time you sort of disappeared...
MichaMicha just changed jobs and is working way too hard, haven't seen her in too long! (hint)She used to send me packages with neat stuff, like material and something called coffee syrup! Micha also stuck it out with me since the old Wow days! Seems we Germans stick around! Micha loves cats and fast cars!
update Dec 2002 : Micha had a baby daughter this year!!!! Congratulations!!!
Ex WOW folks: If I forgot anyone, please let me know. Those were great times, I really miss each and every one of you.
Regina, Karla and Jane are in contact with me again :) welcome back
update Dec 2002: haven't heard from you in a year - where are you????
Thank you :)