I said: Nothing here yet..... Couldn't help yourself could you? Just HAD to click anyway.... you're here.. might as have a read...
Wednesday, 6.October 1999

Published by The Border Morning Mail Pty Ltd at its registered
office, corner of Kiewa and Swift streets, Albury 2640, NSW,
Mysterious Sounds heard in Wodonga!
by JuVy Ozaholic
Last night Wodonga citizens where awakened by a strange sound.
Frightened residence took it upon themselves to investigate. They braved the dark almost moonless night and wandered up and down the dark and scary streets.
Finally, after yet another onslaught of this ear splitting, tears raising sound, they discovered the source.
Seeing the shaking walls on the house they happened to stand in front of when it all happened yet again, they knocked - camera in hand - at the door and not even waiting for an answer walked right in and caught the culprit in the act!
Out of fear of pay back, we can not give out any names on these pages, but see for yourself - our fearless residents managed to get one good picture.
It turned out that the wall shaking sound was nothing but the hights of hillarity, the best of giggles , the greatest of laughs.
Hopefully the owner of the shakes, rattle and rolls laughter posesses as much of a sense of humor as the roaring sound of her laugher makes us believe!
P.S. a few years later....
Ok... we'll have to claim her..... it's our niece Debbie! :)

S T O P ! !
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