check below July for the very newest news of sep 04!!!!!!

check the July update at the bottom of this page!
I made it! I'm here!( March 99)
Flying from Austin to LA - where Heidi picked me up and made sure I got on the right plane, then from LA to Sidney. Lucked out by having a spare seat beside me so I got to sleep most of the time. In Sidney time got a bit short, but I made it from Sidney to Melbourne with just a little delay. In Melbourne I got picked up by :


He looked exactly like his pic -
had no trouble recognizing him and he said he knew me by my frizzy hair!!
Then came the 2 1/2 hour drive to Wodonga -
where I had to make sure he wasn't falling asleep ( he's gonna slap me for that one )
more about Ken:

Take a look at Saint Ken from Wodonga
Flying Pigs over Wodonga
Ken - thanks

Since then this is the town I live in - wonderfully laid back and peaceful - hey - and they drive on the wrong side of the road and have more round-abouts then you can shake a stick at! I keep looking to the wrong side when I cross the street and keep wanting to get into the wrong side of the car! lol

Hume Weir


One of the trips - more pics coming of Kangaroos, Wallabees a very laid back Koala and other stuff.
Check for news here!
See ya'll

Update May 99

Who needs pics of Kangaroos, Wallabees and Koalas? Here is a pic of us, Ken and myself. Missed him too much so I'm trying to get back to him as fast as I can. Keep your fingers crossed - I'm getting very impatient.

update 8.July 99

I made it! I'm home! Back with the man I love!

By the way - when Ken picked me up at the air port he said again that he recognized me by my frizzy hair! He soften that one with a box of mouth watering belgian chocolates. Oh - and amazing - this time his eyes stayed open ( well most of the time anyway) during the drive home. hmmm - I may be pushing my luck - no telling what he'll do if he ever reads this! :)

update 4.Sep 2004

I am AUSTRALIAN!!!!!!! :)

About the little deal I had with Garry!!!! ( there will be news here later - so come on back)
Shhhhh..... for Ken's eyes only!

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