Nicknames: Poopy Puppy, Lovey Duck
Age: 12 years old
Sex: Spayed Female
Breed: Shih Tzu
Color: Gold with a Black Beard
Other Characteristics: Quiet, loves to sit in my lap while
I'm reading. Of the two Shih Tzus, she is the follower.
Likes: Raw veggies, especially what the bunnies are getting,
Milk Bones, Ming Ling, weekends (full time attention from her people).
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, big time. Anything to do with the
Hobbies: Pooping in the house, Sleeping, waking us up at
Ming Ling
Sweet Mingy died July 9, 2002
We who choose to surround
ourselves with lives even more
temporary than our own
live within a fragile circle,
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the
only certain immortality,
never fully understanding
the necessary plan...
From "The Once Again Prince" by Irving Townsend
Ming Ling
Nicknames:Princess P'vine, Pretty Puppy, Bitchie Baby.
Age: 12 years old
Sex: Spayed Female
Breed: Shih Tzu
Color: Tri (White, Gold, Silver)
Other Characteristics: Bossy, Nosy, Leader of the "pack".
Likes: Pa-Sha, ice cubes, ATTENTION. Sitting at the screen door,
monitoring all outside activities, having her tummy rubbed, keeping
a CLOSE eye on the bunnies, chasing balls.
Dislikes: Brushing out tangles, thunderstorms.
Hobbies: Bringing me her blue ball to throw, keeping an
eye on the neighborhood.

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