
BunBun, our little "grey terror" died Wednesday, February 27,2002...peacefully, with Butterscotch at his side.

Nicknames: Bunny-Boy, Handsome-Boy
Age: 4 years, give or take a little
Sex: Neutered male
Adoption date: August 4, 1996
Adopted from: A friend
Breed: Closest I can come is a Silver Martin with some Netherland Dwarf thrown in.
Color: Blue Silver Martin
Other Characteristics: Delicate, small feet.
Likes: Bananas, Oat hay, his girlfriend Butterscotch, rabbit pellets, long naps, wall chewing, Bananas, naps, more pellets......
Dislikes: Being touched by his slaves, and veggies (sigh).
Hobbies: Chewing a hole thru the wall (any wall), sleeping.
If he could talk, he'd say: "Bring me my food, woman, and then scram"

This bunny-boy, in the last four years has mellowed out somewhat!! In the last week he has actually allowed me to rub his ears...and seemed to enjoy it!


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